Page 98 of Jenna's Protector
The lights dim, but sleep is impossible. I strain against my bonds, my mind racing.
How long will it take before Carter realizes I’m missing?
Does he know where to look?
What about Max? Oh poor Max! What if he is dead? Will Carter blame me?
The night stretches endlessly, each second an eternity of fear and despair. I think of Max. I hear his yelp of pain. I see blood. So much blood.
My heart breaks.
As we gatherfor our final briefing, the night air is thick with tension. CJ, the commander of the Guardian teams, stands before us, his face etched with determination.
“Alright, people,” CJ begins, his voice low but commanding. “We’ve got one shot at this. Let’s make it count.” He outlines the plan with military precision, each word sinking into my bones.
“Three teams.” CJ turns to Brady, leader of Bravo team. “Bravo’s on distraction. Draw attention away from the main assault. Create enough chaos to give Alpha and Charlie the opening they need.”
“We’re on it.” Brady gives a sharp nod.
“Alpha team—Max, your team will handle hostile suppression. Neutralize the guards on deck. Clear a path for Charlie team.” CJ turns to us.
“Ethan, you have the most critical job—hostage rescue. Go in. Rescue Jenna. No mistakes, no second chances. Since stealth is key, you’ll be equipped with tranquilizer guns in addition to your standard kit. Ethan, you have tactical command of the mission as a whole.” CJ claps his hands, bringing an end to the briefing. “This is it, people. Let’s bring her home.”
My Jenna.
My heart clenches at the thought of her trapped on that yacht.
I don’t know how, but Guardian HRS procured three RIBs somehow. We do a final check of our gear, and then we load up.
The small boats cut through the water. Salt spray stings my eyes, and the taste of brine is sharp on my tongue. An hour later, the mega yacht looms like a fortress, its sleek silhouette against a star-strewn sky.
As we near the yacht, its true size becomes apparent. It’s at least 300 feet long and a behemoth of steel and luxury—lights shimmer along its hull, reflecting off the obsidian water. Armed guards patrol the decks, their silhouettes impossible to make out with the naked eye against the night sky.
Fortunately, our enhanced night vision reveals the world in vivid shades of green.
Jenna’s there.
So close.
Every cell in my body screams to reach her.
“One minute out.”CJ’s voice crackles in my earpiece.“Alpha and Charlie team, prepare for approach and be ready for boarding. Bravo team, standby for distraction.”
I grip my weapon tight. The familiar weight grounds me. Around me, tension radiates from my teammates.
We’re ready.
We have to be.
“All teams, this is Command.” Mitzy’s voice comes through, clear and focused.“Satellite imagery shows minimal movement on the yacht’s upper decks. Thermal scans indicate most heat signatures are below deck. We cannot see below the waterline. Proceed with caution.”
“Bravo team, you’re up,”CJ’s voice commands.“Initiate distraction.”