Page 67 of Jenna's Protector
“Well, that’s what happens when you work for the underfunded good guys instead of the super-secret, high-tech organization with all the dough in the world.”
I elbow him in the ribs. “Watch it, or I’ll tell everyone about the time you cried during ‘The Notebook.’”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Blake narrows his eyes at me.
“Try me.” I grin.
Blake shakes his head, a smile tugging at his lips. “Come on, let’s go see what miracles we can work with that evidence of yours.”
I follow him deeper into the facility, ready to see what Guardian HRS can bring to the table. With their resources and my determination, it’s only a matter of time before we find a way to bring down the monsters behind this case and save the lives hanging in the balance.
I have to say, it puts my dingy office to shame. As we walk to a briefing room where we’ll work on my case, I make a conscious effort not to leave my jaw gaping.
This place is—intense.
I can’t help but reflect on the path not taken. As twins, Blake and I are close—closer than most siblings. Nearly inseparable comes to mind.
But our lives took very different turns.
He joined the Navy, became a SEAL, and now works with this incredible team. I was lied to; told I’d knocked a girl up. I did the honorable thing. Then I found out I got played. By then, it was too late to change course.
Sometimes, I wonder what my life would look like if I had followed Blake into the Navy. But then I think of my work as a detective, of the people I’ve helped and the difference I’ve made.
It’s not as flashy as what he does here, but it matters.
I’m good at what I do—exceptional even—and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
My thoughts are interrupted by Mitzy, who enters with flair and a bustle of energy. She moves to the front of the room, a grim look on her face, and says nothing. Immediately, her fingers fly over her keyboard as images flash across the screen behind her. She starts speaking without lifting her eyes from the screen in front of her.
“I’ve been working on identifying the men in Jenna’s sketches. We found nothing on facial reconstruction, but I thought I could tweak the parameters to adjust for any reconstructive work done. Unfortunately, I’ve hit a wall. These men—they’ve undergoneextensive surgery, making facial recognition impossible, even for my algorithms.”
Everyone in the room deflates a little at the news of the facial reconstructions. It’s a dead end, a roadblock in our investigation. A murmur goes through the room. The frustration and disappointment of the others is palpable. I feel it too, a sinking feeling in my gut.
Blake has mentioned Mitzy’s incredible skills more times than I can count. Mitzy Magic, he calls it, and I expect miracles.
“If Mitzy can’t work her magic, where does that leave us?” I nudge Blake and lean in close, keeping my voice low.
“Just wait.” Blake leans back with a shit-eating grin on his face. “You’ve yet to see it.”
I look around the room at the stony expressions of Blake’s teammates and the pensive expressions on Stitch and Jeb’s faces. They’re locked into whatever it is they’re doing with their computers, but if there’s any magic going on, I fail to see it.
“Mitzy isn’t one to give up easily.” He gives a cheekish grin.
Suddenly, Mitzy’s eyes light up, a spark of excitement animating her features.
“The architecture.” Her voice rises with anticipation.
“What?” Once again, I lean toward Blake, hoping for an explanation.
“Just wait…” Blake places his hands behind his head, lacing his fingers together. Asshole is having fun with this.
But I still don’t see any Mitzy Magic.
“Stitch…” Mitzy points to the Goth chick, another female hacker with impressive skills—or so I’m told. “That building has a distinct style. Have you run it to see if we can identify the architect? That might give us what we need.”
“On it, boss.” Stitch leans close to Jeb.