Page 64 of Jenna's Protector
Jenna finally wakes. She scrambles away from me, pressing herself against the headboard. Her chest heaves with panicked breaths; her fear a palpable presence in the air.
Max cocks his head, a low whine escaping as he moves in to cuddle with her. Not wanting to add further insult to injury, I hold up my hands in a placating gesture.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s me, Carter. You’re safe. You’re in your apartment. In your bed. Max is here too. Everything’s alright.”
Recognition slowly seeps into her eyes, her body sagging with relief as she whispers my name.
“Yes, love. It’s me. And Max is here too. He’s worried about you.”
Gathering her into my arms, she shakes against me, her skin clammy and her nightgown damp with sweat. The sour scent of fear clings to her, mixing with the lavender of her shampoo and the fragrance of her sheets.
“I’ve got you. You’re safe. It was just a bad dream.” I rub slow circles on her back, trying to calm her down.
She clings to me, her fingers digging into my shoulders almost painfully. Max offers his own brand of comfort as he senses her distress. Which means he nuzzles and licks her until she lifts an arm and pulls him close to her side.
The three of us stay like that for a long moment, holding each other in the darkness as Jenna’s breathing gradually evens out. Tension slowly drains from her body. I brush a strand of hair from her damp forehead, tucking it behind her ear.
“Want to talk about it?”
“It was Lucian. He was punishing me…” Shuddering, she presses her face into my chest, her voice muffled against my skin. “He was making us run laps in the freezing rain. I collapsed… And then—and then he put me in the hole.”
Anger and protectiveness surge through me. My arms tighten around her. The thought of what she endured and the cruelty she faced makes me want to find Lucian and make him pay.
“He can’t hurt you anymore. I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.” My voice is rough with emotion, my jaw clenched tight.
She nods against my chest, trembling with the aftereffects of her dream. Her heart races beneath my palm, and her breaths come out staggered and raw.
“I’m sorry I woke you.” Her fingers brush over my jaw, feeling the tenderness there. “Oh God, did I hit you?”
“It’s nothing. I’ve had worse from Max’s tail when he’s excited.” I catch her hand and press a kiss on her palm.
That earns me a watery chuckle and a small smile curving her lips. We settle back down. Jenna curls into my side, her head on my chest. Not to be left out, Max snuggles with us. His warmth and weight are a comfort to her, so I don’t order him off the bed.
He can have this.
I stroke Jenna’s hair, trying to soothe her back to sleep, and smile at how she and Max are bonding. It means a lot to me because as much as I love Jenna, I could never get rid of him.
“Max, you’re such a good boy.” She scratches his ears as we all settle back down.
I have a feeling my No-Dogs-In-Bed-Rule is about to be broken.
He’s a good dog, and he makes her happy. When it comes down to it, that’s all that matters. Although, I’m not sure how I feel about sharing my bed with a dog.
I press a kiss to the top of her head and breathe in the scent of her, cherishing this moment, but even as her breathing deepens and evens out, I remain awake, staring into the darkness.
My mind churns with worry, with the need to protect her and find the bastards who hurt her, ensuring they never touch her again.
Her anxiety and fear are getting worse by the day.
This isn’t lost on me. It breaks my heart to see her like this, to know that even in sleep, she can’t escape the horrors of her past.
With those thoughts swirling in my head, I finally drift into an uneasy sleep.
I wake to the soft sound of Jenna’s breathing, her body warm and pliant against mine. The first rays of morning light filter through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across her peaceful face.
Careful not to disturb her, I press a soft kiss on her forehead and slip out of bed. Max lifts his head, his tail thumping against the mattress as he watches me with sleepy eyes. I give him a quick scratch behind the ears before heading to the kitchen to start the coffee.