Page 29 of Rescuing Mia
I’ve never been one not to pursue a threesome.
As we chat, I learn that Jessica is a marketing executive from Los Angeles, taking a much-needed break from the fast-paced city life. Samantha, on the other hand, is a yoga instructor from Miamiseeking to expand her horizons and find inspiration in the beauty of the ocean.
Their stories are engaging, and their company pleasant, but as we talk, my gaze can’t help but wander, taking in the other passengers who have gathered on the deck.
We’re a small but diverse bunch, hailing from all corners of the globe, united by a common passion for the ocean and the secrets it holds.
And then I see—her.
Chapter Fifteen
It’sthe woman whose haunting beauty and air of mystery completely captivated me just yesterday. She stands at the far end of the deck, her dark hair whipping around her face in the breeze. I can hardly believe my luck, running into her again so soon and on a dive boat of all places.
My attention drifts from the conversation at hand. Jessica’s and Samantha’s voices fade into the background as I watch the mysterious woman, her posture tense and her eyes darting around as if searching for something or someone.
Pete notices my distraction and follows my gaze. “Ah, someone’s caught your eye.”
“Actually, we’ve met before,” I say, a smile tugging at my lips. “Just yesterday, in fact. But I never caught her name.”
“Well, well, well. Seems like fate has brought you together again,” Pete chuckles, clapping me on the shoulder.
“Do you know her?”
“No. She boarded alone and hasn’t said a word to anyone since we set sail.”
I nod, my curiosity reignited. “If you’ll excuse me, ladies, Pete. I think I’m going to reintroduce myself.”
“But we were just getting to know each other.” Jessica pouts, her hand lingering on my arm. “You must have dinner with us. We’ll save you a seat.”
From the way she flutters her lashes and casually strokes my arm, it’s clear our evening will continue down below… If that’s what I want.
“And I look forward to continuing our conversation. Later.” I smile apologetically, gently extricating myself from her grip. “But for now, there’s someone I need to talk to.”
With a polite nod, I leave them in Pete’s capable hands and make my way across the deck, drawn to the mysterious woman. As I approach, she stiffens, her body language wary and guarded.
I take a deep breath and search for the right words to break the ice.
She turns to face me, and I’m momentarily struck speechless by the intensity of her gaze. Her eyes are a dark, rich brown, flecked with amber and gold, and they seem to see right through me.
Up close, she’s even more striking, with high cheekbones, full lips, and eyes that hold a thousand secrets. She leans against the railing, her shoulders tense, and her gaze darting around as if searching for something or someone.
“Fancy meeting you here.” My voice is smooth and confident. “I have to say, I didn’t peg you for a diver, but I can’t think of a more pleasant surprise.”
She turns to face me, her eyes widening with recognition. “You… From yesterday? The one who helped me.”
“The very same.” I flash her my most charming grin. “I guess fate has a funny way of bringing people together, doesn’t it?”
“Fate? Or just a coincidence?” She raises an eyebrow, but a hint of a smile tugs at the corners of her mouth.
“I’d like to think it’s a bit of both.” I lean against the railing next to her, keeping a respectful distance. “But either way, I’m glad to see you again. Especially on a trip like this. Three weeks of diving, sunshine, and good company? It doesn’t get much better than that.”
“I suppose not,” she agrees, but there’s a hesitance in her voice, a guardedness that wasn’t there yesterday.
“I never got your name,” I say, steering the conversation to safer waters. “I’m Rigel, by the way.”
She hesitates as if debating whether to trust me with even this small piece of information. “Mia,” she says finally. “My name is Mia.”