Page 102 of Rescuing Mia
“Well, if you don’t know the specifics, we’re not about to enlighten you.” Forest bristles at my retort, his expression tightening. “The details are highly classified.”
“Mia trusts me with her life, but I’m not going to violate that trust by spilling secrets to people I met two seconds ago,” I fire back at him with cool lethality, letting him know I’m not one to be pushed around.
He may be a seven-foot Norseman, but I’m not backing down.
“We were hired to assure her safety and ensure she’s appropriately debriefed. Maybe you don’t know what’s at stake?”
“Respectfully, I know exactly what’s at stake, but I won’t breach her confidence. Whether you choose to share or not is totally up to you. If you’re unwilling to trust me with the information, then perhaps Mia and I should reconsider our stay?”
“No fucking way are you leaving here with her.” Forest’s voice turns to a slow rumble of thunder. “She’s got a target on her back.”
Forest stands like a statue, his jaw muscles working overtime as I lay out my stance with a calm that surprises even me.
The tension between us could be cut with a knife, drawing silent attention from everyone else. Forest’s sharp and probing eyes try to pierce through my resolve, but I don’t flinch.
Ethan, who’s been watching this standoff with the eyes of a seasoned leader, finally breaks the silence with a nod toward me, his tone tinged with respect.
“You definitely know how to handle yourself,” he acknowledges my refusal to back down.
Holding Forest’s gaze, I throw down the gauntlet. “If we’re done with the pissing contest, maybe you share what you know and where your plans go from here. My decision—whether Mia stays with you or comes with me—depends on what you say next.”
Forest opens his mouth, but CJ steps in, his presence calming the brewing storm.
“Enough of this.” CJ’s voice is commanding and grounded.
“He’s the stranger.” Forest jabs a thick finger in my direction.
“Trust has to start somewhere.” CJ gives Forest a look, then turns to address me directly. “As mentioned earlier, the embassy in Manila thought Mia was taken, but when charges appeared on their man’s credit card, they knew something was off. They contacted us to orchestrate an extraction.”
“Well, she’s been extracted. What now?” Maybe I’m not the only one who needs a ‘duh’ moment.
“The Chinese government labeled her a traitor.” Forest, maybe sensing a shift toward diplomacy, leans in and adds more to the story. “They want to put her on trial. Red Phoenix wants her dead.”
“Over my dead body.”
“Calm down, Lover Boy. We aren’t going to let that happen.” Forest’s words leave no room for discussion.
I trust him.
Heck, I trust all of them.
Guardian HRS… Hostage Rescue Specialists?
This is their world.
Rescue missions, extractions, playing guardian angels in the shadows.
I really want to be in that world with them, but first things first. My priority is Mia.
As the atmosphere shifts from tense to tentatively welcoming, my position shifts from wary outsider to acknowledged, if temporary, ally.
“So, is it official?” Hank’s question cuts through the lingering uncertainty, his tone light but curious. “I got lost with all the pissing and posturing. Rigel’s hanging with us, right?”
“For now.” I’m still processing the rapid developments.
The future’s murky, but for the moment, our goals align.
“Well, if you’re hanging around,” Walt says, “I’d love it if you showed us some of your moves.” A wry smile plays on his lips.