Page 6 of Dominic
“Hey. No need to be sorry, girl. I’m sure you thought you’d never see me again. Though, to be fair, I did tell you I was comin’ here to smooth things over with Marge. Remember?”
“Her name’s Annie, Dominic.” Elena frowned at the big man. Wow. She was brave. I couldn’t imagine anyone looking at this man that way and not peeing themselves when he focused his attention on them. “Not ‘Girl’.”
To my surprise, the big man looked appropriately contrite. He ducked his head slightly, then winked at me. “I’m sorry, Annie. She’s right. I never meant to insult you. I was simply trying to remind myself of our age difference.” He said the last part with a wry grin, though I didn’t really understand why.
“And that age difference is not something you will forget,hombre.” Elena wagged her finger at Dominic, like she might chastise a child. Dominic merely gave Elena a sexy grin. “You know, our age difference isn’t as big as mine and Annie’s. What say you and me run off together, Elena? I’ll treat you even better than Tito.”
If anything, Elena scowled even more at Dominic. “You’re charming, Dom. But you’re notthatcharming. Besides, no one could treat me better than Tito. But you’re welcome to try.” She raised an eyebrow. “Just not with me.” Elena glanced at me before smiling once more. “Take her to my office so she can finish eating in peace.”
“Wait!” I called out to her, glancing from Elena to Dominic and back. “I need to… I mean, I’m sorry, Elena. You’ve been really good to me and I’m always messing up.”
“Oh,pequeña.” Her face softened as she gave me a warm and understanding look. “Everyone messes up. And you’ve had a lot thrown at you in a very short time. You’re doing wonderfully and I’m so very proud of you for trying so hard.” Elena reached over and took my hand and squeezed. “You are a precious, caring, and compassionate woman, Annie. You deserve to be happy.” For some reason, Elena gave Dominic a hard, meaningful look. Like she’d just given him an order and expected to be obeyed. Dom narrowed his eyes, giving Elena a confused look back but said nothing.
“I need to get to work,” I mumbled as I took one more bite of French fry. And ketchup.Lotsof ketchup. Ketchup was the nectar of the gods!
“You'll come with me and finish your food,” Dom said with a growl. He took my hand and led me back to Elena's office, then stood between me and the door and raised an eyebrow, daring me to challenge him.
My first impulse was to give in immediately, but the whole point of leaving the camp was to make my own decisions. For good or ill. I wanted to be my own person.
Instead of backing down, I put my shoulders back. “I’m finished.” But I still reached for another fry. With ketchup. “And I’ve put Elena out enough today. The least I can do is get out there now and help her.”
He stepped farther inside the door and shut it. Then he pointed at my food. “Sit. Eat.”
“I don’t have to do what you say.” I was afraid I didn’t sound nearly as confident as I needed to be. In fact, I was pretty sure there was a quaver in my voice.
Dominic’s face softened. There was a hint of amusement in his face. “No, honey. You don’t. But why cut your nose off to spite your face? You’re hungry. Elena had Tito make you some dinner. Do you really want to waste his hard work?” He sounded so reasonable! And he had a point.
“No.” I sank back into the chair in front of Elena’s desk where she’d set my plate. “I’m sorry. You’re right.”
“Yes. I am.” When I gave him an annoyed look, Dom winked at me again. Yeah. So in over my head it wasn’t even funny. This guy could -- and would -- chew me up and spit me out if I let him get away with anything. “Eat.” Grin. “Girl.”
I huffed, giving him my best, most annoyed look, but I couldn’t hold it. I started giggling, then just let it all out. What was the point in holding it all in? Hadn’t I left so I could feel safe expressing myself when I felt the need? It felt good.
“Now, that’s the sound I want to hear from you.” Dominic nodded at my food before giving me a pointed look. “Eat up. I’ll let Tito know you loved it so much you’re eating every single bite.”
Yep. I was definitely in trouble.
Chapter Four
I left the little pixie alone to eat, gently closing the door behind me as I shut her in Elena’s office. Elena came to me the second I poked my head out from the back into the main diner.
“You be good to that girl, Dom. She’s got a lot going on.”
I raised my hands, taking a step backward. “Whoa there, Elena. I’ll be nice to her, but if you’re thinking there’s more going on, there ain’t.”
“Well, there should be.” Elena stepped closer to me and wagged a finger in my face. “She could certainly do better than you, but you could never do better than her. That girl needs a strong man to protect her and show her she’s worthy. When Venus brought her to me, I was thinking more about someone from Black Reign -- those boys are all good to their families -- but Grim Road might be a better fit with her… situation.”
“And what’s her situation?”
“That’s not my story to tell. Just be gentle with her.” Elena’s expression softened, and she looked over my shoulder toward the back where Annie was, hopefully, finishing up her meal. Girl was so thin she could definitely use the calories. “She’s extremely intelligent but a little… simple. She’s lived her whole life in a completely different world, and she’s only just broken free. At least physically.” Elena gave me a sad smile. “She needs your protection.”
I frowned. “And who’s protecting her now?”
“That’d be me and Venus.”