Page 41 of Gilded Lies
He reminds me of Rune. Direct and less polished than his friends. It’s what I loved about him.
“Damn, man, is there anything you think that doesn’t fall out of your mouth?”
Luther shakes his head at his friend and Astra tucks her head into his chest, hiding her laugh. It’s beautiful to witness but the interaction between them has me wanting a dark corner and a box of tissues. Sometimes I hate being so damn emotional.
“Catch you later, guys. I have to get these forms to Raja and then it will be time to begin. Are you staying for the night?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
My friend leaves Luther’s arms and gives me a kiss on the cheek before I blend into the crowd, heading for Raja’s office.
I have my head stuck on work when I spot a familiar face in the crowd.
Or I think I recognize a set of dark eyes. I catch a hint of the silver but just as quickly the flash of recognition is gone.
“Oh!” Surprise locks my knees and I stumble into a nearby wall. It’s not even Christmas and I’m being haunted by ghosts of my past. He isn’t dead as far as I know, but he is dead to me.
I press fingers to my temples and try to ward off the pounding in my head. I need a drink and a mental detox. I’m going to tell Raja I need to sign off early tonight. I don’t think he’ll mind.
A group of members wander in from another parlor.
“Hey, Magnolia?”
Misconnections fire off in my brain before cranking back up and reconnecting to the job at hand. “Um. Bailey. Yes. Um. Did the caviar arrive on time?” I check my phone. It was due an hour ago. It should already be on the trays and making its rounds among the members. Shit, I’m dropping all the balls tonight.
The quiet, but diligent newcomer to New Orleans offers me a steadying hand without question. “Yes. Everything is going smoothly. Nothing wrong to report. I just wanted to let you know this arrived for you at the desk.”
Bailey holds up a single magnolia flower and has me reeling back and falling into unsuspecting members.
“Whoa, you okay, miss?”
Blood rushes in my ears and I can’t hear anything but the sound of his voice in my head.
“Watch Daddy. This is what daddies do to pretty girls.”
I throw my hands out to find purchase on anything or anyone as long as I don’t fall face-first to the floor.
“Sorry. So sorry.” My hands don’t start to tremble. They full-on break out in a sweat and shake so bad I feel like I’m going to drop my papers and my phone.
“Magnolia? What’s wrong?” Kind blue eyes search mine for some kind of answer, but I shove my emotion into the black pit in my brain and wash away all remnants of chaos from my expression.
But inside my head my voice of self-preservation is screaming for me to run again.
He’s found me. But how?
I’ve told no one. I eat, sleep, and live in this place. I rarely ever leave the Golden Key property.
My mouth is suddenly dry. “I, uh, I have to go. Toss that thing. It could be poisoned.” I grab the flower from Bailey’s hand and throw it in a nearby wastebasket.
I turn back before Bailey can leave. “Did you see who delivered this?”
Her shoulders rise and fall with a small shrug. “Just a man in a delivery uniform. Why?”
“Never mind. Go get ready. The main event is about to start.”
Leaving Bailey behind, I rush to the front of the Society in time to see a man leave out the front door, his head tucked low. He’s about the right height but so are millions of men.
My veins seize. Blood cuts off to every part of my body.