Page 48 of Dared
The game itself passed quickly, with Elliot and Noah disappearing at half-time and coming back with drinks and snacks for all of us. I bit down on my wobbly lip as I accepted their offerings, unable to believe that this was really happening to me and not wanting them to see how affected I was by their kind gestures. Niccolò leaned into me, placing his head on my shoulder, the way I’d seen him do with JJ, and squeezed my arm.
“They see you as one of us. You’re our friend,” he whispered, and my breath got caught in my throat.
“H-how did you know?” I managed. He gave me a sad smile.
“Babe, I can read you.” My eyes widened, and he immediately shook his head, his face more serious than I’d ever seen it. “Not…it’s not that obvious. I mean, it is to me. But I was there at the student union and at JJ’s afterwards, wasn’t I? And JJ’s spoken about you to me. Not, like, gossiping or anything, just a few things he’s mentioned that add up. Peoplelikeyou, you know. You’re nice, and sweet, and Finn’s a good guy, even though he ruined JJ’s favourite shoes. He wouldn’t be hanging out with you all the time if you were someone bad. No one cares if you’re shy.” He sucked in a breath. “No, they do care, but only about making you more comfortable. Do you understand?”
I couldn’t speak. I swallowed around the lump in my throat. Distantly, I was aware of a whistle blowing and the second half of the game beginning, but I couldn’t focus on anything except the words Niccolò had just spoken to me.
“Over here.” Nic pulled me along, his glittery football hoodie sparkling in the sun, which had finally made an appearance. Most of the spectators had left, with just the friends and family of the teams milling around, waiting for the players to appear from the changing rooms. Nic came to a stop right in front of the doors because, unlike me, he loved being front and centre of everything. I did my best to block everything else out, and when Noah and Elliot joined us, chatting easily about the match, I found myself relaxing.
“Ben!” Niccolò screeched, tearing away from us as the doors opened, throwing himself at his boyfriend and kissing all over his face. Bennett staggered backwards, laughing as he dropped his bag and swept Nic up into his arms. Noah and Liam moved to greet their own boyfriends, and I was left alone for a second until Finn appeared from behind the others.
He walked over to me, coming to a stop in front of me and lowering his duffel bag to the floor, his gaze searching.
“Hi. How did you get on with the others?”
“Good.” I moved closer. “Good.”
“Good,” he repeated, a smile curving over his lips.
“You were good. Really good.” It was true. He’d worked so hard out on the pitch and been so focused, and I was so proud of him.
His smile widened. “Yeah? That’s good.”
I nodded, and he stepped even closer.
“Enough of the word ‘good.’ What’s the protocol here? Am I allowed to hug my best friend?”
I didn’t reply verbally. Instead, I closed the final bit of distance between us, wrapping my arms around his neck. He sighed against me, bringing his arms around my waist.
“Mmm, that’s better. All my friends were getting hugs, and no one was hugging me.”
I drew back, smiling at his fake pout. Sliding my hand around to the front of his neck, I brushed my thumb over his lip. “Poor baby.”
“Aww. You called me baby, baby.”
“Shut up,” I mumbled. “I was calling you a baby. You said you didn’t like nicknames.”
“Maybe I might, if they come from you. Say it again.”
“Yes.” He was grinning so happily it made my stomach do a swooping thing. I liked it. A lot.
“Please, baby.”
“Fuck off.” I buried my head in the crook of his neck. “Baby.”
“Ha! I knew I could get you to say it.” His grip tightened, and with no warning, he spun us around, nearly sending us both to the floor as my leg tangled with his and I lost my balance. We righted ourselves, Finn shooting me a sheepish smile that gave me that same swooping feeling.
A throat cleared loudly from behind me. “As funny as it is to watch Finn almost face-plant the floor, we’re waiting to go. I won’t complain if you want to recreate it later, though. I’ll video it.”
When I turned, I saw Ander eyeing us with amusement, his hand clasped in Elliot’s. He jerked his head towards the car park. “Come on. We’re in the minibus. Leo, Noah’s driving you and E back with Nic.”
“Oh, yeah. Thanks.” I’d forgotten all about everything else around me, but now, everything filtered back in—the warm sun,the distant murmur of voices, and the noise of car engines starting up. Finn scooped up his bag, and we followed Ander and Elliot over to the car park, Finn’s arm brushing against mine. When we reached Noah’s car, Finn stopped, leaning in and pressing his mouth to my ear.