Page 24 of Dared
Ten minutes later, we were all properly dancing, and there was no doubt about it—Leo was the centre of attention. The way he moved was so fucking graceful, despite our recent shots, and he didn’t even seem to notice that everyone was watching him.He was lost in the music, in his own world, and it made me so happy.
That was, until he came back to himself, and his eyes widened. His gaze snapped to mine, and he crooked his finger at me. Charlie was saying something, but I wasn’t paying attention, moving towards Leo and watching his smile grow bigger as I drew closer. When I reached him, he threw his arms around me, and I automatically hugged him back, my alcohol-infused brain not caring how it looked to anyone else.
“You have to dance. You promised,” he slurred into my ear, and, oh. Yeah.
“Do I have to?”
“It was adare.”
“Okay, okay.” Releasing him, I shook my head. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this right now.”
His smile disappeared. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he said immediately. Okay, he slurred it, but I understood exactly what he meant.
“It’s okay. I never back out of a dare.” What was the worst that could happen? Everyone was tipsy, and I’d either amuse them or, more likely, baffle them.
Moving into the centre of our loose circle, I held up my hand. “Alright. Who wants to see my moves?”
“What moves?” Charlie called, and I laughed. Counting under my breath, I began, going through the steps just like Leo had taught me.
Twelve seconds felt like hours, but I made it through, and when I was done, I gave a theatrical bow to the sound of my friends applauding me. Leo was grinning as he clapped, his eyes sparkling, and I returned his grin, giving him a thumbs up.
“Good job,” Charlie said, passing out another round of shots. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“I didn’t, but Leo helped me out,” I admitted.
“You two are close, aren’t you?” he said, and something in his voice had my eyes narrowing.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing at all.”
An arm flung itself over my shoulders, and the next second, I had a drunken Leo pressed up against me.
“You did it! You were sooo good.”
Charlie smirked at me, and mouthed,See. Close.I gave him the finger. Leo’s and my friendship was no one’s business but our own.
“I won’t be giving you a run for your money anytime soon, but I did alright,” I said to Leo, wrapping my arm around his waist for balance. His, and mine. When I thought about it, it was a miracle that I’d executed all the steps correctly.
He leaned into me, his mouth touching my ear. “Can I come home with you tonight? Connor’s not around this weekend.”
“Course you can.”
“Can we go soon? I don’t feel very good.”
Shit. Drawing back, I eyed him cautiously. His eyes were glassy, and yeah…he looked a bit green.
“That last shot was a bit much, huh?”
He nodded slowly, his mouth twisting into a grimace. “It just hit me. I feel sick.”
“Okay. Let’s get you home.”
After assurances from the others that they’d stick together and make sure everyone got home okay, I ordered an Uber to my house. Leo spent the entire time curled into a ball, groaning and saying he felt sick, but we made it back without him actually throwing up. When we got inside the house, I downed a pint ofwater and made myself a strong coffee in the hope I could sober up enough myself to take care of him. I was feeling more or less normal by the timeI got him up to my room with a glass of water and a bucket.
While I’d been getting the bucket, he’d managed to kick off his jeans and collapse in a starfish position on my bed in his T-shirt and underwear, groaning into my pillow.
“Sorry,” he mumbled when I sat down next to him, brushing his hair back from his face. “I ruined your night.”