Page 28 of Daddy's Sinful Baby Girl
“But you don’t have to worry. I don’t want to take you away from your job, Simon.”
He studied her face. Something was up with her. “What’s going on, Baby?”
She took a drink of her soda, but he could tell she was agitated.
“Nothing. It’s just been a long day, and I’m tuckered out.”
He didn’t believe a word she said, and he’d find out what was going on, but he’d watch her carefully to see if she gave any clues.
“How about a movie after your shower? That way, you can go to sleep, and I’ll just carry you to bed.”
He could practically see the wheels turning in her head.
“I could just go to sleep. I know you probably have some work to do.”
His eyebrows rose, but she didn’t see it because she kept her eyes on her plate, where she moved the remaining food. This was interesting.
“I’d rather be with you if that’s okay,” he said.
“Okay. May I be excused?”
She still couldn’t look him in the eyes, and he was starting to get worried. He nodded and stood. Once everything was put away, he caught her against his chest. She stiffened for a moment and then leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly.
He stood there until she was ready to step back. He grabbed her shoulders. “Go in and shower. I’ll go after you.”
She nodded, turned, and walked off.
Simon decided to shower in the other bathroom because he didn’t want to be without her for a moment. He didn’t understand why he was getting the feeling he was losing her because if that happened, he wouldn’t be able to handle it. She was his everything, and he couldn’t see life without her.
Casey looked surprised to see him in shorts already on the sofa. “Come here, Baby. Let’s pick out a movie together.”
She sat beside him and watched as he went through the channels until they found one they liked. Simon grabbed the blanket from the back of the sofa, lay down, and pulled her down in front of him.
Casey stiffened. “We don’t have to lay down.”
He pulled her to her back. “Baby, would you tell me if you didn’t want to be with me?”
She looked shocked. “God, no. I would never not want to be with you.”
“But what if I’m making you unhappy? Would you tell me then?”
He didn’t like the way she hesitated.
“Yes. Would you tell me?” she asked.
His eyebrows rose. “Yes, I would, but I can’t see that ever happening.”
He thought she would have liked that he said that, but it only made her sadder.
He pressed his lips against hers but kept it short. He was always on edge with her, and he wanted to wait until she was fully healed. Simon lifted his head and stared down at her. Her lips were red and swollen, and her eyes shut.
“Let’s watch the movie and go to sleep, Baby.”
He saw the flash of grief before she blocked it. “Are yousure there is nothing wrong?”
She nodded and turned to her side, facing the TV.
He sighed and relaxed after tucking her against his body.