Page 23 of Daddy's Sinful Baby Girl
“Sure, I can.”
He just chuckled and pushed the button. The elevator rose two floors before opening, and Kane and Sienna stepped on. Casey forced her face against his neck and mumbled that she’d die of embarrassment.
“Hello,” Kane said.
“Who is she?” Sienna asked, making Kane sigh and Simon chuckle.
“Guys, I’d like you to meet my … girl, Casey.”
Sienna walked around until she could see the top of her head. “Hey.”
“Sienna, give her time,” Kane said.
“Why? If we’re going to be friends, and we will be, I need to see her.”
Simon felt her lift her head and then turned so he could see both girls. Casey stared at Sienna, and Sienna scowled at Casey.
“What the hell happened to you? Who do I have to beat up,” Sienna growled.
Kane sighed again. “Baby, we’ve talked about this. You can’t go around cursing and beating people up.”
“But, Daddy, she has stitches and bruises,” Sienna growled. “As my friend, it’s my job to protect her, isn’t it?”
“How about we wait and ask what happened first?” Kane said.
“Fine,” Sienna said and crossed her arms over her chest.
“Honey,” Simon began. “No one beat her up. She was in a car accident.”
Sienna gasped. “Oh my God.” She tapped Casey on the arm. “Are you okay?”
Casey nodded.
“Are you shy?” Sienna asked.
Casey nodded.
Both men rolled their eyes and grinned.
“By the way, if anyone had harmed her, I would be the one to beat them up,” Simon said.
Sienna sneered but then focused on Casey. “When can we get together?”
Casey shrugged. “I don’t know. We’d have to ask Simon.”
“You don’t call him Daddy?” Sienna asked.
Kane closed his eyes like he was in pain. “Sienna…”
“Am I being too blunt again, Daddy?” she asked.
“Yes, and also intrusive,” Kane told her.
Sienna stuck out her bottom lip.
Simon hid his smile. The woman was gorgeous, but she was also a handful. He knew Kane would never change a thing. Kane loved this woman more than anything in the world, and Simon could guess he’d feel the same way about Casey.
The elevator stopped on his floor. “We’ll see you guys later.” He smiled at Sienna. “You can see her very soon. She’salready met a few of you.”