Page 14 of Daddy's Sinful Baby Girl
He grinned down at her. “I’m very glad to hear that. Maybe we can get you out of here today. How does that sound?”
The thought of leaving the hospital and having nowhere to go scared her. But she wasn’t going to tell him because it wasn’t his problem. She would figure out how to get to her aunts without a car and then go there. She had been headed there originally because her mom said her aunt would help her. Since she had never met this aunt before, she had no idea what kind of person she was. She’d heard a few things that scared her but decided to wait and make her own opinion.
If it didn’t work out, she didn’t know what she would do, but she would figure it out on her own. She wasn’t going to be a parasite. She’d been called that before, and it always hurt.
A nurse walked in and smiled at her. “How do you feel this morning?”
Casey struggled to sit up, and Simon was there to help her with the bed. “I feel much better. What do you think the doctor will say today?”
“You look better. I’m guessing the doctor will let you go if you have somewhere to go and be with.”
Casey nodded and didn’t look up at Simon. “I’ve got my aunt, so I’ll be fine.”
The nurse looked confused, but Simon must have given her a look because she turned to the IV stand to check it.
“There is a breakfast menu in the drawer if you’d like to order something,” the nurse said.
Casey opened her mouth, but Simon interrupted her.
“My partner is headed this way with food.”
The nurse nodded. “Good. You need rest and food to get better.”
Casey nodded. “I’ll do my best.”
“She’ll be taken care of,” Simon said.
Casey watched his arms cross over his chest, and his gaze was solely on her. The look in his eyes made her back down from saying anything else. She didn’t want to fight with him. He’d already done so much for her.
“Can I have my clothes?” she asked the nurse.
“Honey, your clothing is ruined. We’ll have to give you some scrubs to wear out of here.”
“I’ve also got that covered,” Simon said.
The nurse grinned. “If you need anything else, push the button. The doctor will be in to check her, and then she can be released.”
Casey nodded. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. You take care,” the nurse said and walked out.
Casey turned back to Simon. “How are you getting me clothes and why? They have food here, so you don’t have to spend money.”
Simon leaned over the bed until his face was a foot from hers. “Let me take care of you, Baby.”
“I think it’s wonderful that you’re doing all of this, but I owe you so much already.”
She didn’t like the glint in his eyes.
“You don’t owe me anything, and I don’t want to hear another word about it.” He raised one of his brows. “Do you understand?”
She nodded and looked down at her lap. “Yes, sir.”
He placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Good girl. I have a surprise for you.”
“Really? What is it?”
“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you now, would it?” he said.