Page 233 of Boys Who Hunt
Silas and I duck for cover just in time.
A voice-over can be heard coming from the bushes.
“Incoming. Front gate. I need backup!”
Silas knocks the walkie-talkie from his hands with a knife and then chucks another one right at his throat, and blood squirts everywhere.
I march up to the gate and flop Ivan’s body down in front of it to use him as a step-up. Then I prop up my hands so Silas can use itas a step to jump over. He holds out his hand to pull Max up too. I go last as I’m the biggest, with Max and Silas both grabbing my wrists to drag me over the gate.
More guards pour out from the front door, but we came prepared. I aim and shoot, but suddenly, Max sets down a sniper rifle on the ground and goes to town.
One by one, they go down like flies.
“Wow, I’m impressed,” I mutter.
He winks at me. “You thought I didn’t know how to shoot?”
“You should do it more often,” Silas says. “Let’s go.”
“I’ll give you guys cover.” Max aims at the door and waits for more to come out.
Silas and I run to the mansion. The garage door opens, and a driver steps out from behind several expensive-looking vehicles with an automatic rifle, but Max shoots him down from a distance before he’s able to even take one shot, so I stick up my thumbs in thanks.
We can use two windows on each side of the mansion for a surprise attack. I throw Silas a glance and say, “You seeing what I’m seeing?”
He nods. “You take the left. I’ll take the right. Meet up in the hallway.”
Behind us, Max approaches steadfast, pausing every other second to take aim.
“Max, front door! We’ll flank,” I yell.
Silas disappears from view as we each go to our side of the mansion, and I start searching for the way in. There’s a half-open window on the second floor that I can reach by climbing up the vines. No problem.
I grasp the ledge and swing myself up, taking hold on the vines with my feet to keep myself steady as I pull myself up on the balcony. I drop down, pull out my knives, and kick in the window, jumping inside.
There’s no one here, it seems, but the moment I step one foot inside, the door slams open, and three dudes with guns open fire.
I roll to the side and hide behind a bed, waiting for them to waste their ammo before I chuck one of the knives at the first fucker, piercing his skull.
The two others reload, and I throw another knife at the right guy’s chest, knocking him backward. He tumbles down on the floor, bleeding profusely, right when the third one finishes.
I swiftly pull out my gun, and we fire at the same time.
The guy drops to the floor, and I move ahead. In the hallway, Silas is fighting with two guards. One of them has him in a dead-lock, while the other attempts to cut his throat, so I aim and shoot.
The knife falls out of his hand before he drops like a sack of potatoes, and Silas elbows the guy holding him in the stomach.The fucker releases him, and Silas rams his knife straight into his eye, twisting and turning until the guard flops down, dead.
“Thanks,” Silas says, pulling his knife from the guard’s skull.