Page 201 of Boys Who Hunt
“What am I supposed to give it? A dead mouse?” I grit, annoyed at myself that I’m even entertaining the idea of playing with this cat.
Heath grabs the curtain near the window and rips off the tassel. “How about this?” He throws it at me, and as I catch it, that cat leans up to claw at it.
“Jesus, it just tried to fucking claw out my eyes,” I say.
“Oh, stop exaggerating.” Heath laughs as he walks past me. “Good luck!”
“Hey, wait a second—You can’t just leave me with thisBagelthing.”
“I sure can. Try not to kill thatBagelthing,” Heath replies, winking. “Unless you want to giveheran actual reason to kill you.”
The next day
Thwack.Thwack. Thwack.
“Can you please stop throwing that ball against the wall?” Max asks.
“No,” I reply.
“I’m trying to read.”
“I’m trying to think.”
“About what?”
“Things,” I reply.
Lots of things actually. I’m worried. Ivy hasn’t attempted to talk to us at all about our situationship and retreats into the guest room after each meal. I don’t know if she just wants to think or if she’s just trying to ignore us until it’s safe again to leave the Skull and Serpent Society and let us simmer in our own stew.
Meanwhile, Max hasn’t put down his book since yesterday, and I feel like I’m the only one worrying about this.
“What are you reading?” I ask.
“Things,” he says.
“Ha. Touché.” I stop throwing my stress ball. “You don’t wanna tell me.”
He lowers the book and looks at me. “You wouldn’t enjoy it. It’s non-fic.”
“Why do you assume so much about me?” I reply. “Haven’t I already proven it’s all wrong?”
His cheeks turn fiery red. “I just …” He tucks it underneath his ass. “You and Mavis mostly read occult books and fantasy fiction, right? This is a self-help book.”
“So?” I shrug. “Doesn’t mean I can’t also enjoy something else for a change.” I sigh. “Besides, I haven’t actually met up with Mavis in a while.”
“Because of me?” he asks.
I take a deep breath. “Both of you.”
He sits up straight. “I don’t want you to stop seeing your friends just for our sake. You deserve friends that make you happy, and she does.”