Page 4 of Vile Boys
Right as three guys approach from the left.
The same three guys I just saw murder two people in cold blood.
Ares. Blaine. Caleb.
Their stride is so frigid it makes my entire body shiver. I’m frozen to the ground as they come closer, unable to move a muscle except that damn heart of mine that beats uncontrollably fast.
I can’t even breathe.
It’s as though Ares’s rage controls my very soul with one piercing look, and I’m merely a puppet dancing to his command.
Caleb and Blaine move right past me without even throwing me a glance, the cold breeze that follows them making my blond hair driftin the wind.
But I notice too late that Ares has stopped right in front of me. He towers over my petite four-foot-nine-inch frame. He must be at least six feet and seven inches, if not more.
He takes a step closer, and I can literally feel the electricity zing through the air.
He’s a killer.
My eyes flick to the gun glinting in his belt buckle.
Take it. Steal it. Use it. Make him pay.
But my body refuses to move.
His hand rises to touch my face, and my eyes widen in shock. On his thumb is a single droplet of blood, which he inspects like it’s made of gold.
When his eyes connect with mine, a slow but docile smile spreads on my lips.
An actual smile.
I can’t look away from those haunting gray eyes sparkling with curiosity, even if I wanted to. Caleb and Blaine have stopped a few feet away and watch him with keen interest.
Ares’s eyes twitch and narrow as they lock in on my smile, and he aggressively wipes his finger on his sleeve and walks off, following the boys back to the party in the courtyard.
But I can still feel the prickle of his thorns.
I clutchmy cup filled with vodka as I stare at the partygoers dancing away while I’m casually draped over my seat. But the people in front of me are like shimmers in a dream, fading into the back of my mind.
My thoughts have drifted off along with them, possessed by a certain blond-haired girl in a little beige lace dress with bloodied cuts all over her skin. A girl who watched me kill.
I let her run.
I watched those little feet dash off into the darkness beyond the maze, awakening the violent animal caged inside me.
Something about that soft face with plump cheeks like apples made me want to sink my teeth into her and taste her sweetness.
God, I wanted nothing more than to chase her all the way through the entire fucking maze and make her scream. Become the force of terror everyone sees me as.
Until I saw that smile.
That sweet, innocent pink-lipped smile that could make a man fall to his knees and beg.
I take a sip of my vodka, but the alcohol does nothing to quench my rage.
I’ve never hated anything more in my life …