Page 35 of Vile Boys
I nod, and she smiles back. “Will do. Thanks.”
“I’m always here if you need me.” She gives me another hug.
“I know.”
Dylan waves at Penelope from the bench they’re sitting on, and she runs off. “See ya!”
I wave at her. She seems so content with those boys even though they hated each other’s guts last year. How easily things can change. You never know who you might fall in love with.
I walk across campus, sauntering across the pavement while trying to ignore the throbbing between my legs.
Ares really did a number on me.
I don’t even know how he did it. One moment, I was dead-set on confronting them with what they’d done, and the next, I was on his lap, getting toyed with until I came so hard I could barely stay put.
It was wrong. So damn wrong.
Yet my body can’t stop tingling from the way he touched me.
I sit on the bench near the second building and grasp my bottle of water from my bag, taking a huge gulp. Gotta cool myself down somehow.
After what Ares did, I’m surprised I can even walk.
I can’t believe he did that. All just to frighten me into silence.
I shiver. It worked all right. But I will never, ever let anyone know, and definitely not him.
Fearing him is exactly what he wants.
After I’ve taken a fifteen-minute break, I continue on to the sorority. But when I turn a corner, the sight of a guy covered in tattoos and piercings leaning against the building makes me freeze in the middle of the sidewalk.
His fist rests against the wall, muscles bulging as he supports his own weight, thick slabs of muscle only protected by his thin tank top. I’m glad he’s wearing a pair of jeans because I definitely don’t want to see what’s underneath there.
He’s talking with someone on the phone, but it takes me a while to register what he’s saying because I’m so far away and still trying to listen in.
“No, not today. Dad wants to meet up at Fi’s Cups and Cakes for some coffee in about three hours and then head to our supplier, so I’m out.”
Who is he talking to? One of those other guys?
He lowers his phone as well as the fist that’s perched against the wall.
But before he looks my way, I’m already long gone.
Later that day
I race downthe mountain on my bike, holding the flowers I plucked tightly, swallowing away the tears that sting in my eyes. The road curls around the corner, and I let my worries blow away in the wind that meets me on the way down.
When I’m back in Crescent Vale City, I look up the mountain at the gates of Spine Ridge U, dark clouds gathering above it. It truly is a gate straight to hell.
Taking a deep breath, I continue my biking journey until I get to my destination; Crescent Cemetery.
I get off my bike and place it against a tree near the entrance. I stare at the entry and all the graves beyond. Every time I’m here, it feels like my throat clamps shut.
Breathe, Crystal. Just breathe.
I walk across the path, sauntering past the dead. The sun creeps through the trees above me, scattering light across the stone pebble path and every marker mounted on each grave. It’s a warm welcome home for those who linger and stay.