Page 277 of Vile Boys
I fall to my knees and crawl right back up again, but the second my feet push up on the ground, I collapse onto the floor.
It’s too much.
My body can barely take it anymore.
I’ve already disassociated long ago, but now I’m on the brink of letting go. Of just drifting off into nothing and surrendering to my end. Even though it didn’t come by her hand, at least I know I did the right thing. If he truly intends to kill me, then I hope it’s a swift death because I can’t stand this pain much longer.
I suck in a breath.
That sounded like a … gunshot.
The sound of screams beyond the door makes me blink rapidly.
I look up at the door and the guard standing in front of it, wondering what’s going on behind that door.
“What’s going on out there?” my father growls at him.
The guard pulls out his walkie-talkie and says, “Update.”
“Shots fired, shots fired, three down! We need backup.”
My eyes widen, and I lift my head.
“Who is it?” my father growls.
“Details!” the guard yells into his walkie-talkie.
“Group of fucking young kids, barely twenty, and there’s two, no three fucking girls too!”
My heart comes back to life, and I get back up from the floor, invigorated by the mere idea.
It’s them.
I’m shooting at the guards near the front of the building despite the fact that the rest have already gone inside. I just want every one of these motherfuckers to bleed to death for taking Ares, and I don’t care how long it takes. I’m going for the kill.
A guard goes down and cries for his mommy as the bullet enters his knee, making him collapse, and I spit on him before I go inside too.
Everywhere I look, guards come pouring out while preparing an attack on all of us, while the casino’s guests flock to the emergency exits, screaming their lungs out.
I don’t know which one of these fuckers was involved with bringing Ares in, but I’ll make sure they’ll all regret it.
“Where do we go first?” Milo asks.
Kai points at a giant hallway in the back. “That way.”
“There’s a ton of guards,” Crystal says.