Page 275 of Vile Boys
“What about me?” I reply, folding my arms.
“Well … isn’t this like a little too much for you? I mean, you don’t have to come. It must be a shock to see us with all of these weapons,” he says, pointing at the weapon’s stash.
I shrug. “Nope.”
Alistair frowns. “None at all?”
I fish two knives out of the stash and chuck them at both of them, catching them off guard.
Dylan smirks. “Whoa, where’d you learn those moves?”
I point at Blaine who grins smugly and then wriggles his brows.
“I’m impressed,” Alistair says.
“Thank you, thank you.” Blaine bows.
“Hey now, don’t take all the credit,” I say, shoving my elbow into his side.
A motorcycle drives up to the Tartarus House, and black hair spills from a helmet as it’s pulled off. “Did I hear the word kill?”
Lana commands attention the second she steps off her motorcycleand approaches the group, and I hug her too. “Thank you.”
“Don’t say thank you yet. I haven’t killed anyone.” She snorts. “But I’m ready for whoever we’re going to murder.” She opens up her coat, revealing all the weapons she brought with her.
No wonder those Phantom boys wanted her so badly.
“And I can’t wait to watch you do it,” Milo says, all swoony.
God, I love my friends.
“We’re going into the Torres Casino,” I say, and I show everyone a picture of the location in Crescent Vale City on my phone. “There will be a ton of guards at every exit, and they’re heavily armed.”
“Right. No problem.” Dylan says, licking his lips.
“We’ll butcher them,” Felix adds, chucking his knife up and down.
Butcher? Jesus. Wish Penelope would’ve warned me about her guys.
“Hello, has no one thought of our disguises?” Lana says.
“Disguise?” Alistair frowns.
Lana gives him a deadpan look. “You think you’ll get away with murdering everyone at a casino downtown?”
“Oh shit … I hadn’t actually thought about that,” Dylan mutters, tapping his lip.
“I had,” Caleb says, and he pulls a few masks from the car and chucks them on the ground. “Grab one each.”
Penelope picks it up from the ground and stares at it. “Is this what I think it is?”
“This has the Bones Brotherhood emblem on it,” Milo says.
“Yes. Exactly the point,” Caleb says. “Do I have to spell it out?”
Lana begins to smirk. “You want us to pretend we’re Bonesmen to set them up against each other.”
“Smart,” I mutter.