Page 142 of Vile Boys
Caleb clears his throat. “Anyway, I’m gonna go grab some booze. Wanna come?”
I shake my head, but I’m too occupied by the music in the other room, luring me in.
“I’ll give her a small tour,” Blaine says, winking at him.
“Suit yourself.” Caleb shrugs and leaves.
Blaine pulls me into the common room, but I come to a full stop when I realize what kind of party this really is.
The common room and dining room have been connected, and all the chairs and tables have been shoved aside to make room for a dance floor on one side … and a sex room on the other, complete with benches, crosses, kinky beds, cages, flagellation devices, and more.
Couples are fucking all over the place—men with women, women with women, men with men, foursomes, threesomes, five people, allsorts of combinations and in all sorts of positions. Right in front of a crowd.
“What … is this?” I mutter to myself.
My whole face turns red as I almost feel like I’m intruding, but not everyone watches them. A crowd of people just dance and kiss in a sultry manner like they don’t even care what’s happening.
“Thisis a true Tartarus party,” Blaine murmurs in my ear. “The one you previously experienced was the one outside, meant for the paupers. But inside is where the real fun begins.”
So this is what they were doing inside the house when they stood on that balcony?
“There’s a good reason we’re called the Tartarus House, darling,” he muses.
I swallow as he leans in. “I thought it meant hell … right?”
“Hell is pain to those who live by rules … to us, it’s an everlasting hedonistic lifestyle.” He places a soft peck underneath my ear, and I nearly melt away.
Next to me, the lady who just spoke with Blaine drags a guy on an actual chain out of the room while the guy seems smitten with her and is practically drooling.
“Where are they going?” I ask.
“To a more private room,” Blaine says. “Where they can live out their filthiest fantasies.” Blaine grabs my hand and kisses the top. “Come.”
He pulls me up the stairs, following in the couple’s footsteps, and we head into a hallway to the right with many bedroom doors labeled with some sort of color.
“What do those colors mean?”
“The kind of kinks people are interested in.”
Kinks?I gulp.
We pause near a door marked with purple and gray. “Purple means they like to be watched,” Blaine whispers into my ear as he opens the door slightly. “And that there’s soft BDSM involved.”
He nudges me forward, and I can’t help but peek at the couple. Two women, one bound to the bed, the other pouring champagne all over her tits before tickling her with a feather so it runs off her body, and her tongue follows to lick it off.
Blaine tugs me toward a different room with purple and black. Inside the room, loud thwacks accompanied by cries of painreverberate through the door.
“Someone’s in pain,” I say.
“They’re being flogged,” Blaine responds. “Willingly, of course. Black is heavy sadism. Not for the fainthearted. Everyone knows what they’re getting into when they come to these rooms. That’s the fun part.”
I swallow, but Blaine pulls me away toward another door marked with purple and green. “Green means it’s open for multiple people, and they love it when you watch.”
We take a glimpse inside the room, where two men are fucking a woman in the ass and mouth while there’s a couple in the back on a couch watching them, kissing and groping each other.
I can’t believe I’m watching this, but at the same time, I can’t look away, the lust slowly building in my body.
“Tartarus parties are famous,” Blaine mumbles behind me.