Page 132 of Vile Boys
“They’re coming this way,” Kayla hisses. “Act natural.”
I’m sweating like crazy, and it doesn’t relent.
Two hands curl around my seat.
A piece of cake lodges in my throat.
“Crystal. How nice to see you here too.”
Oh God. Now I have no choice.
He literally spins around my seat so I’m facing him and his … boyfriend, I guess.
The guy holds a little bag filled with cake and drinks, but his lovestruck eyes focus solely on Blaine. And honestly, I don’t blame him.
“Um, hi,” I say, waving awkwardly. “I didn’t know you went toFi’s Cups and Cakes too.”
“Of course, I do. Everyone in this city does,” Blaine muses, leaning back against the guy he just kissed. “They have the best cake.”
“Right,” I mutter, not knowing what to say. “Well, I just didn’t expect you to enjoy them.”
I gulp when his hand slowly lowers to the guy’s butt, and I struggle to stay focused.
He lowers himself so he’s on my level, eyeing me up while I lean back in my chair, desperate for air. “Am I not allowed to have my cake and eat it too?”
Kayla giggles behind me.
“By the way, I wanted to invite you to a party at the Tartarus House,” he whispers into my ear. “Don’t tell your friends.”
“Why?” I squeak.
“It’s not safe for them.”
Blaine smiles and checks out my friends before he steals a strawberry from my cake. His tongue dips out to curl around the strawberry, licking off the whipped cream before he bites off the entire thing right in front of me, then moans—actually moans—as he swallows it down.
And for a second there, I almost wish I was that strawberry.
But then the thought is immediately banished from my head.
He grins again and leans back, throwing his long black hair over his shoulder. “Well anyway, I’ll text you the time and date. Have fun at your little get-together with your friends, darling. Bye.”
He strolls off and slaps his date on the ass before they leave the shop.
But I can’t even get myself together … as the two girls behind me begin to squeal.
Kayla wheezes. “DARLING?”
I turn around in my seat and chuck the remaining strawberry at her face. “Shut up.”
Later that week
She throwsher knives at my face, and I narrowly avoid them as they hit the tree behind my head. But the second I turn, she’s right in front of me, knife at the throat, and I can’t help but gleefully smirk.
“That’s my girl,” I muse.
“Learned from the best,” she says, winking before retracting her knife.