Page 95 of Wicked Promises
They’re quiet. Contemplating how different our lives must’ve been, I’m sure.
“How are you feeling?” Lenora asks.
Except my wrists. I woke up this morning dripping blood down my hands. It seems like once I opened up a little wound, I now constantly pick at it. I covered the damage with a bandage and a long-sleeved shirt, but I doubt I’ll be able to hide it for long.
“My head doesn’t even hurt much anymore.”
Robert makes a face. “I wish I could say the same.”
I lean forward. “Are you sure you’re up for visiting the school?”
“I’m ready to see some familiar faces,” he says, glancing back at me. “And besides, I’m not sure what sort of antics they’ll try.”
“We have a teacher and a corporate mediator,” I joke. “Hopefully things will fall on our side. But… what kind of antics?”
“Just that you’re not fit to come back to school. They’ll probably try to push time off—but that will just hurt you in the long run,” Lenora says. “Your case worker agreed that it was up to our discretion. Unless you don’t want?—”
“I’d like to return to normal. Sitting around, moping and dealing with…”Trauma,I don’t say. I clear my throat. “Normalcy is what I need.”
Robert nods. “Exactly.”
We get to the school and walk across the deserted parking lot, up the steps into the school. The secretary gets a little teary when she sees us—more Robert than me, I’ll admit—and circles her desk to give him a hug.
And then we’re shuffled into the principal’s office.
She’s a stern lady. Luckily, I haven’t had too much interaction with her or the guidance counselor since the beginning of the year, and Ihadplanned on keeping it that way.She analyzes me over the top of her reading glasses, which are perched on the end of her nose.
Lenora explains what’s been going on at home. Between the craziness, I’ve managed to catch up on most of the work my classes covered. That appears to be the clincher, and the principal agrees I can come back tomorrow.
The principal sends me out, and I go stand in the hallway.
And… the bell rings.
This part of the school isn’t too busy unless students are coming to the office, so I don’t worry too much about being seen. That is, until Savannah appears. I suppress my sigh.
She hurries in my direction, clearly distracted, and stops dead when she spots me. “You’re back?”
“It would appear so.”
“Rumor had it that you croaked.” She plants her hands on her hips.
“I guess they got that one wrong.” I force a laugh.
“Hmm.” She looks me up and down. “You might consider bangs.”
My eyebrow jumps, and my face flushes. “Why, to cover the barely visible scar? I’m not that petty.”
She smiles. “It might help avoid the staring, you know?”
I lean against the wall, crossing one ankle over the other. “I’ve been meaning to ask, how’s life at the top of the pyramid? Still holding Amelie’s spot until she gets back?”
Because Amelie is back in France, and Sav is the queen regent. Only holding power until her best friend returns.
She grits her teeth. “I’m not a placeholder.Freak.”