Page 85 of Wicked Promises
“Is this the first time?”
His eyebrows scrunch. “The first time for what?”
“That anyone has ever looked into the Ashers?” I shake my head. “Caleb’s uncle has been beating him since he was a kid. But I guess it’s all too easy for the Asher family to sweep everything under the fucking rug.”
“If that’s true?—”
“Fuckyour truth,” I yell. I storm out and up the stairs, locking myself in the bathroom. I grab my bag on the way, sinking to the floor once I’m alone.
God, I just yelled at a police detective. He was going to help me, but I probably just ruined any chance of that.
I slide my phone out. I stare at it, debating calling Riley.
But wasn’t it me who said Caleb and I needed to work together?
That means relying on him sometimes.
You remember anyone calling me a pretty bird?
?? No. Why?
Someone wrote it on my wall. It’s bugging me.
His contact picture fills my screen, showing the incoming video chat request. I wipe at my face, then answer it.
He frowns at me. His phone is held at a low angle that shows off his sharp jawline. “Please tell me I read that wrong.”
“I wish.”
“Have you been crying?” He seems to be home, but now he’s climbing the steps out of the basement.
“Do I look it?” I fixate on the tiny picture of me in the corner, wondering if he sees something I don’t. My eyes do seem a bit puffy, and my face is pale.
“You’re upset. I can tell that much.”
I sigh. “Unknown vandalized my room. Destroyed everything.”
He loses all expression. “You’re joking.”
“Why would I be joking? Lenora called Detective Masters. He was just here.”
The phone drops, and all I can see is the black fabric of his shirt. “Guys.”
When he shifts his phone, he shows me Eli, Liam, and Theo.
“All hands on deck, right?” he says.
“What’s going on?” Liam demands. “You okay, Wolfe?”
“My room got vandalized.” My damn voice wobbles.
A muscle in Caleb’s jaw clenches. “We’ll be there in five minutes. You guys shouldn’t be alone.”
Someone knocks on the bathroom door, and I freeze.