Page 38 of Wicked Promises
“You don’t go anywhere without one of us,” Caleb says. “We’ve been talking…”
“You’ve been talking?” I repeat.
“About your safety,” he continues as if I didn’t interrupt. “Ian is a wild card. I haven’t forgotten what he did to you, and I don’t think a little beatdown at a party is going to stop him if he has more shit to stir. Robert is still in the ICU, which means your stalker was fucking serious. Your stalker could be a classmate. Do you want me to go on?”
I sink back in my seat.
I guess he has a point… although I hate the idea of them babysitting me.
“Our next step is to uncover your stalker,” Caleb continues.
He told me last night that Unknown texted him coordinates, and that’s how he found me. Which makes it seem more and more like a setup for Caleb to get arrested.
“How?” I question.
He exchanges a look with Eli. “You’re not going to like it…”
Chapter 12
Ican’t remove my gaze from the sway of Margo’s ass as she disappears into her second period class. Even with the cold weather, she’s been sticking with skirts. Probably because I destroyed her other options, and she’d never admit it to Lenora.
“Lovesick, dude.” Eli laughs. “I’ve never seen it so bad.”
“I’m not…”Lovesick. It would explain why my chest doesn’t feel quite right. Missing pieces and all that.
“Whatever. Hey, try not to give everyone hell at school.”
I set my jaw. “I won’t if they don’t fucking say anything about Margo.”
“We just need to get through hockey practice?—”
“Fuck.” I groan. “Coach is gonna ream me out for getting arrested.”
Eli shrugs. “Probably.”
Coach Marzden wins the Jackass of the Year competition every time. When we were freshmen, we admired the way he commanded a room. He was a role model for both of us.
However, it appears that even role models have a temper.
“Riley didn’t come over,” I say. “Last night? Would’ve thought she’d be like glue on Margo’s skin.”
He frowns. “She’s avoiding the house.”
“Did you do something?” I tilt my head. I didn’t think they were that into it. Like, they’d fucked a few times to the best of my understanding. But maybe they didn’t even do that much?
“This isn’t a fucking psychobabble session,” Eli snaps. “Leave it alone.”
I scan the hallway automatically, making sure no one bad follows Margo into her science class. Unfortunately, our loitering catches some attention. Coach appears at the top of the hallway and immediately heads for us.
Anger rolls off Coach in waves. He’s practically vibrating with it. Eli mumbles some hasty excuse and disappears before Coach reaches us.
Well, nowme.
He stops in front of me, then motions. I follow him toward the athletic wing. He’ll probably start the berating before we reach his office, just so some kids can hear that the great and terrible Caleb Asher has finally fallen.