Page 67 of Nanny for the Demon's Twins
"More like a tavern brawl," I mutter as the flowers bounce erratically. But I can't help smiling at their progress. Just last week, Luna accidentally sent a whole bouquet through Mrs. Blackwood's window.
Nova tugs at my sleeve. "Can we practice with the sparkly ones now?"
"The enchanted roses? Not yet, little star. Those are special for the ceremony." I tap her nose. "But if you two can keep practicing with regular flowers..."
Luna's daisy immediately steadies into a perfect hover. "Like this?"
"Exactly like that." Pride swells in my chest. Their parents would be amazed to see how far they've come. "Now, let's see you bring them in for a landing. Gentle this time, Luna. We don't want another crater in the garden."
"That was one time!" She pouts but guides her flower down with exaggerated care. Nova's follows with perfect precision, still cycling through colors as it descends.
Mira pulls the girls toward her, sitting cross-legged on the grass with Luna and Nova mimicking her posture. Their copper curls catch the light as they sway to the rhythm. "Let's work on a song instead."
Mira starts to sing, and the twins echo her, their small voices earnest. It's beautiful as they join in together, focusing on the lyrics instead of sending flowers flying.
Unable to resist, I step behind Mira and sweep her up mid-verse. She lets out a startled laugh as I spin her in a proper ceremonial dance.
"Uncle Karn's dancing!" Luna claps her hands, sending sparks of magic into the air.
"He's not bad," Nova observes with her usual gravity.
Mira follows my lead perfectly, her movements fluid and graceful. "I didn't expect a metalworker to know how to dance."
"I was raised in a normal household, remember?" I guide her through a complex turn. "Some lessons stick, no matter how hard you try to forget them."
Her green eyes sparkle. "And here I thought you were all brawn and no refinement."
"I've got a few tricks up my sleeve." I wink, dipping her low. The scent of herbs clings to her hair, mixed with the sweet summer air.
"Again!" Luna demands, tugging at my pants leg. "Spin Mama again!"
My heart skips at Luna's slip, but Mira just smiles and opens her arms to the twins. "Come here, little ones. I'll teach you the dance too."
I watch as she shows them the basic steps, her patience endless as they stumble and giggle. Nova's face scrunches in concentration while Luna spins until she's dizzy, both of them still trying to sing the blessing between breaths.
For a moment, I forget about the ceremony preparations, the shop orders, everything except the joy in their faces and the warmth spreading through my chest.
The next evening,I lead my family up the path to Mrs. Blackwood's manor. Luna races ahead, her copper curls bouncing, while Nova holds tight to Mira's hand, eyeing the glowing demon runes that line the walkway.
"Pretty," Nova whispers, reaching out to touch one. The purple light flares at her fingertips.
"Just like the ones at home." I squeeze her shoulder. "Mrs. Blackwood's husband helped me set those up, remember?"
The door swings open before we reach it. Vashti stands there in her typical flowing tunic and pants, her curved horns adorned with silver chains that catch the lamplight.
"There's my favorite little chaos-makers!" She sweeps the twins into a hug. "I've got fresh cookies cooling in the kitchen."
Mira looks to me and mouths the words with Luna. "With sprinkles?" Luna bounces on her toes.
I grin and mouth, "Purple ones?" as Nova asks hopefully.
It's like their script where cookies are involved.
"Both, of course." Vashti ushers us inside where other demon families mingle. Some I recognize from the shop, others from the twins' magic lessons or Mrs. Blackwood introducing me. All of them wave or nod in greeting - a far cry from the suspicious looks we got a year ago when I first came to stay with my family.
Dezoth, Vashti's brother, appears at my side, clapping my shoulder. His massive horns brush the door frame as he leans in. "You look good. But like something's on your mind."
"That obvious?"