Page 31 of Nanny for the Demon's Twins
"Please." I back toward the doorway, fighting the urge to return to his warmth. "I can't... I need space."
Before he can respond, I flee to my room, shutting the door behind me. My legs give out and I slide down against it, heart hammering against my ribs. My fingers drift to my lips, still tingling from his kiss.
No one has ever touched me like that - like I'm precious instead of property.
I should love that, want that, but it's hard to feel his lips and not think of the times I've begged for others not to touch me. Sometimes it's hard to look at his horns and not feel the pain of someone lashing at me.
But more than anything…it's hard to be here, to want something, tohope. Because I know that hope is more deadly than anything and the happier I am, the more comfortable I get, the more terrified I become.
The moonlight streams through my window, painting silver patterns across my bed. This room, this home he's given me... it's more than I ever dared dream of having. The twins sleeping down the hall, their copper curls and demon eyes so like their uncle's. The way they call me 'Mama' now, freely giving the love I thought I'd never deserve.
And Karn... A demon who shapes metal with the same gentleness he shows his nieces. Who opened his home to a broken runaway without question. Who kisses like he's discovering something sacred.
Tears slip down my cheeks as confusion wars with longing in my chest. I press my palms against my eyes, trying to steady my breathing. All my life, I was taught to fear demons - their power, their pride, their cruelty.
But Karn defies everything I thought I knew.
Still, how long will I hold his interest? Is this because he's lonely? I fear to let down my guard with him completely, let myself want more than a human is ever promised in this godsforsaken world.
"What am I doing?" I whisper to the empty room.
My heart already knows the answer, even as my mind rebels against the risk.
Ispot Nova trying to sneak another cookie from the kitchen counter while Luna creates a diversion by floating her stuffed rono in front of my face. These two are getting too clever for their own good.
But my mind keeps drifting to last night's kiss with Mira, to the way she melted against me before pulling away. It's hard to focus on anything else when I barely slept, caught between the need to taste her again and the desire to squash the fear I saw written all over her face.
I knew better than going that far.
This morning, she won't meet my eyes. Keeps her distance, busying herself with breakfast preparations. The kitchen feels colder without her usual warmth.
"Uncle Karn, look!" Luna waves the rono closer to my face. "He's dancing!"
I catch the rono mid-air. "Nice try, little troublemaker. Nova, put that cookie back."
Nova freezes, hand in the jar. Her violet eyes, so much like mine, go wide with feigned innocence. "Sharing is nice?"
"Not before breakfast." I scoop her up, cookie jar and all. Behind me, Mira slips out of the kitchen without a word. My chest tightens.
I quickly gather some breads, jams, and fruits, managing to coax the twins into eating a little. I clean them up and dress them with no signs of Mira. I'm sure she's waiting for me to call out that I'm headed down since I'm typically gone by now, but I'm lingering.
This distance between us is fucking killing me.
"Down to the shop today, you two." I set Nova on her feet next to her sister. "Got some special projects that need my favorite assistants."
Luna bounces in her seat. "Can we make sparkles again?"
"No sparkles." The last time they 'helped' with enchanted metal, we were finding glitter in the forge for weeks. "But you can sort the pieces by size."
I catch Mira's scent as she pauses in the doorway of the twins' room. The urge to pull her close, to taste her lips again, hits me like a hammer strike. But her rigid shoulders and downcast eyes tell me to keep my distance.
"Time to go, troublemakers." I hoist a twin under each arm, their giggles echoing through the room. "Mira, take some time for yourself today. We'll be in the shop if you need anything."
She gives a slight nod, still not looking at me as she walks away. Fuck, this hurts worse than any forge burn. But I won't push her. Can't risk frightening her away when just having her near feels like finding a piece of myself I never knew was missing.