Page 29 of Nanny for the Demon's Twins
My fingers trace the metal taking form beneath them. It needs to be perfect. She deserves perfect.
Nova wraps her tiny arms around my neck as I carry her to their room, her copper curls tickling my chin. Luna bounces ahead with Karn, who just came back upstairs and changed, her matching ringlets dancing with each skip.
"Story time! Story time!" Luna chants, her violet eyes sparkling with that familiar mischievous glint.
"Inside voice, little spark," I remind her, though I can't help but smile. Nova nuzzles closer, her flour-dusted cheek pressed against my shoulder. Even after a bath, she somehow manages to retain traces of her kitchen adventures.
"Want the dragon story," Nova whispers into my ear, her small fingers playing with strands of my hair.
Luna whirls around at the doorway to their bedroom. "No! Princess story!"
"Both?" Nova suggests, ever the tiny diplomat.
I settle Nova onto the bed, but she immediately scrambles next to Luna, creating a nest of blankets and pillows. Luna climbs in next to her sister, patting the space beside them.
"Mama and Uncle Karn both," Luna declares, her tone leaving no room for negotiation. She tugs at my hand while Nova reaches for Karn.
"Please?" Nova's freckled nose scrunches up as she puts on her best pleading expression.
I perch on one side of their bed while Karn takes the other, effectively sandwiching the twins between us. Luna wastes no time burrowing under my arm, while Nova leans back against her uncle's chest.
"How about a story with both a dragon and a princess?" I offer, running my fingers through Luna's curls. She hums in contentment, already growing heavy against my side.
"The brave one?" Nova pipes up, her eyes drooping despite her obvious effort to stay awake.
"The smart one," Luna counters through a yawn.
I catch Karn's eye over their heads, sharing a knowing look. At this rate, neither twin will make it past the first few lines of any story. Nova's small hand finds mine, her fingers tracing the edge of my sleeve where it covers my brand - a gesture that's become oddly comforting in its innocence.
"Once upon a time," I begin softly, "there lived a princess who had a very special dragon friend..."
It doesn't take long before the twins' breathing deepens, their small forms curled together in a way that makes my heart squeeze. Nova's fingers go slack in mine, her other hand still clutching the edge of Karn's tunic. The light's warm glow catches the copper in their hair, turning it to molten metal.
Karn's hand brushes mine as he adjusts Luna's blanket, his calloused fingers rough against my skin. Neither of us pulls away. The contact sends a flutter through my chest that I try to ignore.
"How did you feel this morning?" I turn to look at him as he speaks softly. "When they called you Mama?"
I trace the curve of Luna's cheek, marveling at how quickly they've claimed pieces of my heart. "If they want to, I don't mind," I whisper, careful not to wake them. "I didn't encourage it, I swear."
His violet eyes meet mine in the dim light, unexpectedly gentle despite his intimidating frame. "I didn't say you did." He smiles at them. "They're very attached to you."
"And you're... okay with it?" The question catches in my throat.
"More than okay." He shifts, his broad shoulders relaxing. "They need a mother. Sarah would've wanted that." A shadow crosses his face, grief flickering beneath the surface. "Besides, you're already doing the job. Might as well have the title."
"I just don't want to overstep-"
"You're not." His voice carries that gruff certainty that brooks no argument. "Look at them. Really look." He gestures to the twins, peaceful in sleep. "They trust you. Love you. That's not something you can force or fake." He sighs. "And I don't want them to feel like they can't have that with you."
The weight of his words settles over me like a warm blanket. Nova mumbles something in her sleep, her small hand tightening around my fingers. Luna burrows deeper into my side, and I feel tears prick at the corners of my eyes.
His hand remains steady against mine, an anchor in the storm of emotions threatening to overwhelm me. "We should probably let them sleep," he says after a moment.
Karn's fingers brush my elbow, guiding me as I ease away from Luna's sleeping form. He lifts Nova's small hand from my wrist with practiced care, tucking it under her blanket. The twins curl closer together in their sleep, copper curls mingling on the pillow.