Page 21 of Nanny for the Demon's Twins
Nova grabs my fingers, pulling me up from the floor. "You too, Mira!"
I let them guide me into their dance, which consists mainly of twirling in circles while their magic continues to paint the air with light. Luna holds one of my hands while Nova takes the other, and we spin together until their giggles make me laugh too.
Karn leans against the wall, arms crossed over his broad chest. The smile on his face transforms his usually stern features, softening the scar across his eyebrow. His violet eyes track our movement, watching for any signs the twins might stumble.
"Uncle Karn is being boring," Luna declares, releasing my hand to march over to him. She tugs at his apron strings. "You have to dance too!"
"I don't dance, little star." But his smile grows wider as Nova joins her sister's crusade.
"Please?" Nova's freckled nose scrunches up. "Like us and Mira!"
"Yeah!" Luna demonstrates, grabbing Nova's hands. They spin in a wobbly circle. "Like this!"
Karn shoots me a helpless look as the twins tug him forward. His large hands engulf theirs as they position him where they want him.
"Now hold Mira's hands," Nova instructs, very serious about the proper dance formation.
My heart skips as Karn steps closer, his calloused fingers gentle as they wrap around mine. He towers over me, and this close I can see flecks of darker purple in his eyes.
"Round and round!" Luna commands, and we begin to spin.
The twins' laughter echoes off the shop walls as they dance beside us, their magic swirling overhead in streams of light. Karn moves with surprising grace for such a large man, his steps careful to match my pace. The warmth of his hands spreads up my arms, and I find myself laughing along with the girls as we turn.
"Faster!" Nova calls out, and Karn obliges, our circle widening. His copper-red hair comes loose from its tie, a few strands falling across his forehead. The corner of his mouth quirks up when he catches me looking.
The room spins in a blur of color and light, but Karn's steady grip keeps me anchored. His thumbs brush against my wrists, careful to avoid the brand mark on my right side. The simple consideration makes my chest tight.
Makes my mind think all the wrong things about this demon. This very handsome, very strong, very big and muscular demon who I can't seem to get out of my head. Who I just want one taste of-
"Uncle Karn, you're doing it wrong!" Luna plants her hands on her hips, pulling me from my very inappropriate thoughts about her uncle. "You have to smile more!"
"I am smiling." His deep voice carries a hint of amusement.
Nova shakes her head, copper curls bouncing. "No, a real smile. Like when you finish a pretty necklace."
"Or when we help organize your tools," Luna adds.
Karn's eyes crinkle at the corners. "You mean when you turn all my hammers purple?"
"They look better that way." Luna nods sagely.
I can't help but laugh at her conviction. "The purple does add a certain charm to the workshop."
"Don't encourage them." But Karn's grip on my hands tightens slightly as he spins us again. "I still haven't figured out how to change them back."
"That's because Nova made them stick." Luna points at her sister, who tries to hide behind my skirts.
"Did not!" Nova peeks out. "Luna said to!"
"Did too!"
"Little stars," Karn's voice cuts through their argument. "What did we say about blaming each other?"
The twins exchange guilty looks. Nova's bottom lip trembles. "Sorry, Luna."
"Sorry, Nova." Luna hugs her sister. "Want to make more pretty lights?"