Page 18 of Nanny for the Demon's Twins
"She's more honorable than any of you." I step closer, using every inch of my height. "She protects those girls. Loves them. While you stand here spewing poison about someone you don't know."
"Next time you want to question my choices for my family?" I bare my fangs, letting my magic crackle visibly across my skin. "Do it to my face. See how that works out."
Selia pales, finally dropping her gaze. The other women scatter like leaves in a storm.
A small tug at my pants leg. Luna stands there, crystal clutched in her tiny fist. "Uncle Karn, Mira found pretty purple ones! Like your eyes!"
My anger melts. I scoop her up, pressing my forehead to hers. "Show me, little star."
I'm still admiring Luna's crystal when a gasp ripples through the crowd. Apples, pears, and berries rise from their baskets, floating in lazy circles above the market stalls. Nova's eyes glow with violet magic, fear spiking across her face as she seems to lose control, while Luna giggles, quickly joining into her sister's antics.
"Girls-" My warning comes too late.
The fruit shoots upward, creating a swirling vortex overhead. Merchants dive for cover. A cluster of plums pelts a warrior who'd been sneering at Mira earlier.
"Luna! Nova!" Mira's voice carries over the chaos. She reaches for them, but they dance away, enchanted by their impromptu performance.
"Make them sparkle!" Luna commands her sister. Nova scrunches her face in concentration. The fruit begins to shift colors - red to blue, green to purple, yellow to silver.
"By the Seven..." I lunge forward as a crate of melons joins the aerial display. "That's enough-"
"Pretty!" Nova claps her hands. The fruit spins faster.
A demon woman shrieks as berries rain down, staining her expensive silk dress. Market-goers scramble for shelter under awnings. Those damn gossips from earlier get bombarded by a particularly aggressive bunch of apples.
It looks like I'm not the only one with a temper if Nova is targeting the people who glared at Mira.
"Girls." Mira kneels between them, her voice firm but gentle. "Remember what we practiced? Deep breaths, like the ocean waves."
Luna's bottom lip trembles. "But-"
"In through your nose." Mira demonstrates. "Out through your mouth."
Nova follows first, her tiny chest rising and falling. The fruit slows its wild dance. Luna joins in, gripping Mira's hands.
I watch in amazement as the twins sync their breathing with hers. The magical energy dissipates. Fruit drops everywhere - into baskets, onto tables, rolling across the ground. A single apple lands perfectly in my palm.
"Well done." Mira pulls them both close. "Such good control."
"Sorry," they mumble in unison.
I survey the damage. Bruised fruit litters the square. Several stalls need straightening. That warrior still picks plum pieces from his hair. But the twins' magic had been stronger, more focused than ever before. And Mira...
"You handled that perfectly." I help her stand, steadying her when she sways slightly. "Where'd you learn that breathing technique?"
"I used to calm myself in..." She touches her brand, then forces a smile. "It seemed logical it might work for them too."
There's not much fruit to be salvaged, so I make my way over to the produce stands. I hand over coins to the fruit merchants while the twins help gather the salvage products. Their earlier display of magic still has the crowd muttering, but at least they're keeping their distance now.
Mira moves between the stalls with practiced efficiency, her movements fluid as she rights toppled baskets and sorts salvageable fruit from bruised. The merchant women watch her like hawks, their violet eyes sharp with judgment.
"No, please." Mira's voice stays steady as she hands a basket to a sneering demon matron. "Allow me to replace what was damaged."
Her fingers tremble as she counts out coins from the purse at her hip. The same purse I know she's been saving from the wages I insist on paying her, despite her protests.
"Keep your human coin." The matron shoves the basket back at her. "I don't want it tainted."