Page 11 of Nanny for the Demon's Twins
"They could if I make them float!"
"No more floating things tonight." Karn carries them to their room, his huge frame making them look even tinier. "You already gave Mira enough excitement for one day."
Once we wrangle them into pajamas - after they finish fighting over the dragon ones - they climb into their bed. Luna bounces on her mattress. "Story time! Mira tells the best stories."
"Better than mine?" Karn raises his scarred eyebrow, settling into the oversized chair beside their bed.
"You do good dragon voices," Nova offers diplomatically.
I perch on the edge of her bed. "Once upon a time, there were two brave little demon girls who could make their toys dance in the air..."
The twins lean forward as I weave their day's adventure into a tale of magical mishaps and floating toy parades. Karn listens too, his usual gruff expression softening as the girls gasp and giggle at all the right moments.
"And then the clever girls learned to make their toys float down as gentle as snowflakes," I finish, watching their eyes grow heavy.
"Just like us," Luna mumbles, snuggling deeper into her blankets.
Nova's already half-asleep. "Do more stories tomorrow?"
"Of course, sweetie." I brush a copper curl from her forehead. "But now it's time for sleep."
"Night night, Uncle Karn." Nova's voice is thick with sleep as she burrows deeper into her blankets.
Luna fights another yawn. "Love you lots and lots."
Karn bends down, his massive frame somehow gentle as he kisses each forehead. "Sleep well, little demons."
I slip my hand into his rough, calloused one and tug him toward the door. His skin radiates heat from hours at the forge, and soot still clings to his forearms despite his earlier wash.
"When's the last time you ate?" I whisper once we're in the hallway. He missed dinner with us. And suddenly, it feels like my first night here but the roles are reversed.
He runs his free hand through his copper hair, loosening it from its tie. "Had some bread. Earlier."
"Earlier meaning...?"
"This morning counts as earlier." His violet eyes catch mine, that familiar dry humor surfacing.
"Kitchen. Now." I pull him down the hall, noting how he follows without resistance despite being able to easily plant himself if he wanted. For someone so physically imposing, he yields to me more than I'd expect from a demon.
I push him toward a chair. "Sit. I'll heat up the stew."
"You don't have to-"
"Oh, hush and let me feed you." I busy myself with the pot, hiding my smile at his surprised chuckle. A month ago, I'd have never dreamed of speaking to a demon that way. But Karn... he's different. Safe.
His chair creaks as he leans back, watching me with those intense eyes. "Missed this today."
"Missed what? Me ordering you around?"
"Maybe." He accepts the bowl I place before him, his fingers brushing mine. "The quiet. The girls." I swear he wants to say 'you,' or maybe I just want him to.
Heat creeps up my neck. I turn back to the stove, suddenly very interested in wiping down the already-clean counter. "Eat your stew before it gets cold."
The comfortable silence that follows feels like home - something I never thought I'd find again, especially not with a demon. But as I listen to his spoon scrape the bowl and feel his presence warm the room, I realize I've stopped seeing him as just a demon at all.
He's simply Karn.
And that makes me feel a way I don't expect.