Page 1 of Nanny for the Demon's Twins
Acrash echoes from the storage room. I lower my hammer, the half-formed sword on my anvil forgotten as I sprint toward the sound. Purple light seeps under the door.
"Luna! Nova!"
The door swings open to reveal my storage room transformed into a rainbow nightmare. My carefully organized metal stock shimmers in every color imaginable - ingar bars now electric blue, ingots in hot pink, silver rods gleaming neon green.
Luna floats near the ceiling, her violet eyes wide with delight. "Uncle Karn! Look how pretty!"
Nova stands below her sister, hands raised as she changes another shelf of metal from gray to sparkly gold. "We're helping organize by color!"
When the twins first came to stay with me, I thought it would be simple. They're only two, little toddlers. But I forgot how quickly demons grow, how at only a year most are walking - not stumbling - and showing magic. At two…
Well, let's just say I was wrong about it being simple.
"Down. Now." I reach up and pluck Luna from the air, her copper curls tickling my nose as she squirms. "What have I told you about playing in the storage room?"
"That it's dangerous and we should never ever come in without you," they chorus, not looking remotely sorry.
The shop bell chimes. Perfect timing.
"Stay here while I-" I turn to find empty air where the twins stood seconds ago. Their giggles drift from the front of the shop.
I rush out to find them circling my customer, their matching red curls flying as they spin. "Your necklace is so pretty!" Luna reaches for the woman's pendant.
"Luna." My voice drops to the tone that usually commands instant attention. Usually.
Nova tugs her sister's sleeve. "We should show her our colors!" She points at the storage room.
Too late. The storage room door swings open, displaying my technicolor inventory to everyone. The customer's eyes widen.
"I do custom metalwork," I explain, running a hand through my hair. "My nieces are... helping with inventory today."
Luna beams. "We made everything rainbow!"
"I see that." The customer's lips twitch. "How creative."
Nova pulls at my pants leg. "Uncle Karn, can we make the swords sparkly too?"
"Absolutely not." I scoop them both up, one under each arm. "Please excuse me while I contain this magical situation."
Their combined laughter fills the shop as I carry them toward the stairs, leaving a trail of glitter in our wake. Just another normal day of trying to run a business while raising twin demon toddlers with more magic than sense.
I plant them on the bottom step and tell them to stay put, hoping that they'll listen. Just this once.
I return to find a different customer has entered - a well-dressed merchant with a sneer twisting his face. He taps his foot against my floor, arms crossed.
"This is completely unprofessional. Children running wild in a respectable establishment?" He gestures at the rainbow metals visible through the still open storage room door. "I need serious craftwork done, not some nursery playpen."
The muscles in my jaw tighten. I straighten to my full height, letting my demon heritage show clearly - violet eyes gleaming, pointed ears twitching. "My nieces are family. Family comes first here."
"Then perhaps I'll take my business elsewhere. Somewhere more... suitable." His gaze drops to where Nova peeks around my leg. My hope was futile - clearly. "Those half-breeds shouldn't be around paying customers anyway."
The temperature in the shop plummets. My vision tints purple as demon magic surges through me. The protection runes carved into the walls pulse with energy.