Page 7 of Forbidden Flames
Inhaling deeply, he turned around, the air thick with anticipation. "What's your favorite Christmas movie?" he asked, his voice a gentle breeze attempting to dissolve the tension that hung between them like a delicate mist, waiting to be melted away by the warmth of shared secrets.
Emily finally abandoned the flowers and turned to face him. “All of them!” she replied with a mysterious smile. “I love all of the Christmas movies. After all the bustling, busyness of shopping and preparing for this day, when it finally arrives, watching Christmas movies reminds me of what the season is really all about. It reminds me that people are good and kind and that wonderful things can happen.” She fiddled with the hem of her sweater. “We hear so many of our club members talk about doing illegal and unethical things to their customers, I sometimes forget that there is goodness and innocence in the world.”
He nodded, agreeing with every comment. “That sounds really nice, Em,” he replied, thinking that Emily was perfect. She was so damn lovely! “What can I do to help?”
Emily shook her head and he noticed the way the light made her dark hair shimmer. Was her hair soft? He’d wager a lot of money that her hair was silky soft. Hell, every part of her was most likely soft and delicious!
“Not a thing!” she told him and waved towards the fridge. “Because of Charlie, everything is ready to go. I just have to stop myself from eating all of the fried onions before I put the green bean casserole into the oven. The chicken that Charlie prepared is the perfect size for the two of us “That just needs to heat up. The stuffing is made and the potatoes…” she paused and he lifted his eyebrows. “Well, everything is ready. I literally just need to heat everything up when we’re ready to eat.”
"Efficient as always, Em," he said, and realized that his voice had dropped, a subtle rumble echoing the unspoken tension in the room. His hands itched with the desire to touch her, to feel the warmth of her skin beneath his fingertips. She looked irresistibly adorable and sexy in her leggings and sweater, the casual attire somehow accentuating the allure that danced between them.
She had done something different with her hair, he noted. It looked softer, shinier, casually pulled up on top of her head instead of meticulously pinned to the back. The change unveiled a glimpse of vulnerability, and he couldn't help but wonder how long her hair cascaded down, unrestrained around her shoulders. Hendrix had never seen it down, a mystery waiting to be unraveled.
However, as the tension hung in the air like a delicate melody, her smile seemed to fade. "Is that... how everyone seesme?" she asked, her voice touched by uncertainty. "As efficient?" The vulnerability in her question was palpable, and Hendrix felt need to soothe the insecurity in her eyes.
“Yes,” he replied. “And kind. Generous. I’ve heard staff members say that they would do anything to keep working for you.” He tilted his head slightly. “Is that a bad thing?”
He watched as Emily chewed thoughtfully on her lower lip. He adored that lip. Hell, he loved her whole mouth. Hendrix felt his body tighten as he watched her maul that lip, wishing that he could lean forward to sooth it with a kiss.
Maybe being here today wasn’t such a good idea. He was going to mess up his friendship with Emily because his body was going to betray his feelings.
“No,” she finally answered. “No, that’s good. I’m glad that…the staff…,” she glanced up at him, then quickly away, “enjoy working at the club. It’s a great place to work. I like…” she sighed and ran a hand over her stomach. “I appreciate all of the changes that Levi has allowed me to set up for the staff. Protecting the people that work for the club helps everyone.”
“I agree,” he replied, then glanced around. “How long have you lived here?”
Emily surveyed her small kitchen and smiled, relieved at the change in topic. “I bought this house about a year after Levi, Matteo, and Sean took over the club,” she said, referring to the three club owners. “Maggie, Ann, and I had been working at the place under Levi’s father’s ownership and we’d learned the hard way to save as much money as possible.”
Hendrix grunted. “You were able to invest your money in stocks that you knew were going to increase in value because you three would listen in on conversations.”
Emily cringed and looked away. “Yeah, I think that is considered insider trading,” she grabbed the fried onions and sprinkled them on top of the green bean casserole. “We’ve adjusted our investment strategy now.” She slid the casserole into the oven. “I even spoke to a guy at the Securities and Exchange Commission, asking him for advice on how to invest more ethically.” She looked at him over her shoulder. “We’re safe now, but we still use the information we overhear.”
Hendrix leaned back against the counter, folding his arms over his chest. “Em, I know what the three of you do now.”
She blinked at him, feigning ignorance. “What’s that?”
“You still spy on the club members.”
“Yeah,” she replied with a wicked grin. “But more of our…my…secret information goes to investigators.”
“And the investment fund for the club staff members?” he prompted. “The one that sponsors college tuition?”
She waved her hand in the air dismissively. “Oh, that’s funded by the guys, and we all pretend that we don’t know that they are truly good men.”
“And you invest the fund’s money in various stocks and mutual funds.”
She shrugged. “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.” She grabbed a pot holder. “I clear everything with my SEC guy if I have any questions about my information.”
He grunted, pointing his chin at the fridge. “What can I do to help?”
“You can tell me something naughty that you’ve done in your past,” she urged, leaning against the opposite counter, mimicking his posture. “You, and the cameras you’ve installed all over the club allow you and your team to know everythingthat’s going on. So, tell me something in your past. I can’t be the only one in the room with secrets.”
Hendrix chuckled. “I can’t tell you my secrets, Em.”
“Why not? You know everyone else’s secrets.” She fiddled with the pot holder. “Come on! Tell me one thing!”
He stared at her, enjoying the way her pretty eyes sparkled up at him. And yeah, he’d caught her gaze drifting down over his body. He was glad that he’d gotten in a tough workout this morning, although, it wasn’t helping him control his responses to her soft eyes on him.
“Several years ago, I’d been newly promoted to captain in the Army.”