Page 9 of Carver
“Brian’s here,” Carter said, his voice muffled with the door between us. “Might want to get your ass downstairs, brother. Bring your woman with you.”
Your woman…
I looked down at Jennifer, who was still looking a bit dazed from our hot as fuck kiss. Yeah—she was definitely my woman.
“Come on, princess,” I murmured. I grabbed her hand in mine and linked our fingers together before leading her out of my apartment and down the stairs. Sure enough, Brian was standing there with his Vice President and Sergeant at Arms, two of the last remaining members of his club. Jennifer’s hand, already a bit sweaty from nerves, tightened around mine. She pressed herself against my side as she stared at him, remaining silent.
“You look like your mother,” he finally said, breaking the tense silence. “She was a beautiful woman. I didn’t know she’d given birth to a child.” Jennifer’s fingers trembled. I gave them a light squeeze. “If I’d know, I wouldn’t have left you there with him. Your father…” Brian sighed. “He’s a good businessman, but he’s a shit human being.”
Jennifer’s hand was sweating in mine. She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it, lost for words. I squeezed her hand, hoping she knew I was still right at her side—not just physically, but emotionally.
Brian looked at me. “He’s making it known he’s on the hunt for her, and he wants her back home. And anyone who stands in his way…” He let the rest hang silently in the air between us.
“Over my dead fucking body,” I snarled. “She’smine.” Jennifer sucked in a sharp breath, and her gaze burned into the side of my face. I didn’t turn to look at her.
Brian nodded once. “You have my club’s protection and help, as well.” He looked at Blink then. “Shall we talk?”
Blink nodded once and led Brian into the chapel. I looked down at Jennifer and reached up to cup her cheek. She ran her eyes over my face, searching for… something. I didn’t know what though.
“Remember—trust me.”
She nodded. “I am. Ido, Carver.”
Fuck, she was being so brave.
I pressed a kiss to her forehead, noticing Lindsey coming out of the kitchen over her hair. “Go chill with Lindsey for a bit,” I told her, gently nudging her in that direction. “I’ll come get you when this is over.”
She nodded, and after a moment, she dropped my hand, turning on her heel. Lindsey welcomed her with a warm smile. Blowing out a soft breath, I headed into the chapel with everyone else, ready to come up with a protection plan for Jennifer.
Irolled my shoulders, keeping low to the ground as I slowly made my way through the woods. The Lockheart MC wasn’t smart enough to fence in the entirety of their property, which I imagined was how Jennifer finally escaped their clutches. That was fine. Their stupidity was my gain. And I planned to capitalize on it.
Blink pointed one finger forward, then swirled his finger around to let me know they had someone watching the lot. I nodded once, letting him know I understood, and crept forward even slower, my eyes peeled for any movement or sign of danger. Right before I emerged from the woods, I paused, scanning the lot. The prospect on watch duty was over by the gate, busy lighting a cigarette. I could hear music pumping from the clubhouse. Everyone in there was either too busy getting high, drunk, or deep diving into pussy.
Worked for me. They really made this too fucking easy. I was almost a little pissed about it.
Blink stayed at my side, his rifle at the ready as we made our way toward the bikes across the lot. The prospect moved further away from us, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Clearly, he wasn’t worried about anyone getting onto the lot. And while, yeah, the woods were pretty deep and expansive, it didn’t stop men like us who’d spent months at a time in the middle of nowhere doing undercover, special ops shit.
They’d fucked with the wrong club.
When we finally made it to the bikes, I quickly began setting up the homemade bombs. Grit was damn good at bombs and had managed to wire multiple ones together that would go off with a simple press of his button.
There might have only been four of us, but we were deadly. And when you fucked with those who belonged to us, those we loved?—
No. Way too fucking early for that word, wasn’t it?
But fuck—the way Jennifer had fallen apart in my arms, trusting me to hold her together as she sobbed out her fear from her nightmare. How she’d explicitly trusted me to keep her safe. The sweet way she asked me to sleep with her that first night. How she sought me out in a room when she was feeling anxious…
Yeah… I was falling for her. I was already so goddamn possessive of her. Hadn’t Blink fallen for Lindsey just as fast? Maybe it wasn’t so crazy, after all. Maybe, in some instances, this kind of thing was normal.
I clenched my jaw, forcing myself to focus on what I was doing before I accidentally blew me and Blink up or revealed our position. Once the bombs were placed just right to blow each bike to smithereens, I caught Blink’s attention and pointed toward the woods, letting him know I was ready to get the fuck out of there.
He watched my six as we slowly crept back toward the woods. Once we were deep enough in and the clubhouse was no longer visible, we stood up straight made our way back to where Grit was waiting for us at the edge of the woods. The moment he saw us, he grinned, giving a flash of his white teeth through his dark beard.