Page 84 of Sinclair Duet
“I’m ordering breakfast, and I don’t want anyone else to see you without clothes.”
“Then hurry to my room and answer the door.”
Another quick kiss.
“I’d swat your ass, but I doubt you’d feel it through that coat.”
My smile grew as I left his room. By the time I was standing under the hot spray of my shower, my thoughts centered on what was happening in Damien’s shower. I cursed him as my nipples grew hard.
The outfit Damien had chosen for today consisted of high-waisted wool slacks, a long-sleeve blouse with tight cuffs and flowing arms, and high-heeled boots, much more comfortable than yesterday’s shoes. By the time our breakfast arrived, I was mostly dressed and fixing my hair. My degree of dress didn’t matter because Damien was present to open the door.
Now, about seven hours later, I was standing before the coalition and rethinking my assessment of the boots. For the last three hours, I’d been the main speaker. I laid out the campaign objectives and my ideas for early results, and then spent most of the time answering questions.
“As we are all aware,” I said, “This campaign is a new endeavor. As such, it’s truly a fluid entity that will require constant assessment. Some of the ideas may fail. A great businessman” —my gaze went to Damien— “once told me that success isn’t possible without failure. When that failure occurs, I’ll reevaluate and make the necessary adjustments.”
“What you have described seems like a lot of work for one person to take on,” Cynthia Broche said.
I feigned a smile. “I agree. It is a lot, and I’m excited to get started. Especially now that I have faces to all the names. I’ll keep you informed as to my connections and where I’ve promoted your respective companies. I’d like to be updated with the results you see on your end. It could be profit, but there are many other measurable indicators, such as increased website visits, inquiries to your salespeople, and stock prices.”
“Cynthia is right,” Dwain Welsh said. “Maybe this is too much for one person.”
Julia was the one to speak. “I told you about Ella’s resumé, her background in pharmaceuticals. That gives her a head start.”
“With Sinclair,” Mr. Welsh said dismissively.
“I’m aware that you each have different products,” I said. “My time at Sinclair laid a groundwork that will help me understand your needs once I’m given more information.”
“How can we be assured you won’t share our information with a competitor?” Robert Ayers asked.
“Your success is Beta Kappa Phi’s success. And as I said before, I am willing to sign an NDA.”
“What if you decide you need help? Will that person also sign a nondisclosure?” Lauren Cade asked.
“If the campaign goes as we hope, I will need help,” I admitted. “And you can be assured that any Beta Kappa Phi representative will be thoroughly vetted by the fraternity and once the person is chosen, he or she will sign an NDA.” I took a breath, looking from Robert Ayers to Dwain Welsh, the two people with the most questions. I avoided looking at Damien because when I did, when I saw his grin, my focus faltered, thinking about what he’d told me he would be thinking about. It was nearly impossible to discuss the implementation plan and think about riding his cock in a dark room. When no one elsespoke, I turned to Julia. “Thank you for inviting me to speak and for allowing me to sit in on your business meeting. I believe it has increased my understanding of this unique coalition.”
Julia stood. “If there isn’t any other business, I move we adjourn, spend a few hours enjoying the Wisconsin sunshine, and we will see everyone tonight at seven at our home. We promise all festivities are inside and you will stay warm.”
The room filled with soft laughter.
Once the room began to clear and I was with Damien, I whispered, “What did you think?”
His lips quirked to a smirk. “What was I thinking about? I could repeat it.”
“Whatdidyou think?” I repeated.
He spoke as he helped me with my coat. “You were fabulous.” Once we were out on the sun-drenched sidewalk, headed toward the hotel, he took my hand in his. “Welsh and Ayers were giving you shit because I brought you. You handled them perfectly.”
“I’ve had practice handling assholes.”
Damien shot a quick glance my direction. “Is that a reference to me?”
“If the shoe fits.” That comment earned me a sexy smirk.
“How do you feel about the campaign?” he asked.