Page 71 of Sinclair Duet
A deep breath expanded his wide chest. “I’ll be to your room in ten minutes.” His cocky grin was back. “And no multitasking until tonight.”
“Can I trust you?”
“Probably not, but I want you to.”
Holding tightly to Ella’s hand, we hurried along the sidewalk as fast as the Louboutins would allow her to walk. While Michael had offered to drive, both the Union Boutique and Van’s office weren’t far from the hotel. Despite the chill in the air, it was a pleasant day. Hardy Wisconsinites were out and about up and down the city’s main streets.
“Are we far from Mr. Sherman’s office,” Ella asked.
“No.” I tilted my chin toward a three-story building with a brick façade. “It’s right there.”
She stopped walking. “Then I’m fine. I don’t need a coat.”
I tugged her forward, stepping in front of what had been a historical bank. “As luck would have it, we’re at the boutique the hotel clerk recommended.”
“I don’t think?—”
Pulling her closer, chest to chest, I leaned down. “I don’t recall you being this impossible back when we were together.”
“I’m impossible?”
“Good girl. Acknowledging our shortcomings is the first step.” My lips quirked into a grin at her expression. Before she could argue, I said, “Now, let’s see what they have.”
A bell jingled as I opened the door, allowing Ella to enter before me. The hotel clerk said that the boutique was Ashland’s newest clothing store. Two women turned our direction and smiled.
“May I help you find anything,” a petite brunette said as she came our way.
Before Ella could tell the woman we were here by mistake, I spoke, “We’re in Ashland for the weekend. I believe we didn’t accurately check the weather. Do you by chance have any women’s coats?”
The brunette sucked on her lower pink lip as she turned toward the showroom floor. “I’m afraid we have our spring merchandise out.”
Technically, by the calendar it was spring.
The second woman, a redhead, came forward. “We have a few options in back.” She smiled. “If you like one, the good news is they’re discounted.”
I turned to Ella and lifted my eyebrows.
“Fine, yes,” she said. She spoke to the redhead, “If you don’t mind getting them for me.”
“Of course,” the redhead replied. “Give me a minute.”
“May I get you anything?” the first woman asked. “A glass of champagne or perhaps you’d like to browse.”
“It’s a bit early for champagne,” Ella replied.
“We’ll browse,” I said, hoping for some privacy.
As Ella walked away, I couldn’t help that my focus went to the way the navy skirt with the high waist accentuated her curves. The hem of the blazer was high enough to watch the sway of her round ass. And the heels made her shapely legs even sexier. She stopped at a long rack filled with blouses. Walkingup behind her, I lowered my volume. “Thank you for not arguing with the woman doing her job.”
Ella spun toward me, her sapphire stare meeting mine. “My issue isn’t with the woman. Besides, she had me at discounted.”
“You know price isn’t an issue.”
“I’m paying for my own coat, Damien. It’s a coat I don’t need, but I can afford it.”
“Consider it a business expense.”