Page 64 of Sinclair Duet
“Thank you, Johnathon,” Damien said. “Continue to handle things here in Indy while I’m away.”
Johnathon nodded. “I will, sir. Have a safe trip.” His green gaze met mine with a smile and another nod.
Once Johnathon disappeared out the doorway, Angie hit a button to raise the stairs.
Damien stood and reached for the suitcase. I clenched my teeth, wondering if he would demand I strip right here. Instead, he grasped the handle and wheeled it toward the back of the cabin.
A flood of relief circulated through me as I craned my neck watching him and realized he hadn’t meant I would change in the sitting cabin. Since this was the same plane that I’d flown on many times, I was aware of the sleeping cabin in the aft of the plane.
Looking from side to side, I didn’t see Allen or Angie.
“Ella,” Damien called.
With an exaggerated breath, I stood and made my way back to the doorway of the sleeping cabin. My gaze skirted the room, the built-in closets and drawers, the large king-sized bed, and a doorway to an attached bathroom. “I’m not going in there with you.”
“You can change in the front cabin, but it isn’t as private.”
Shaking my head, I sighed out of exasperation. “What I’m wearing is fine. I don’t appreciate you insinuating that it isn’t.”
The vein in his forehead pulsated. He spoke between clenched teeth. “Fine is not good enough.” Leaving the suitcase in a closet, Damien came my direction, stopping millimeters away. His palpable discontent was audible in his measured words. “As I said in my text message, this meeting is about impressing the other CEOs.” He exhaled. “I should have given you more preparation time. That is on me.”
At least he could admit that.
He went on, “Let me make myself clear. By the time this plane lands, you will be wearing the outfit I chose for the occasion—either by your own doing or with my help.” His lips quirked. “Yes, that idea is growing on me.”
“Damien, I don’t work for you.”
“You don’t. However, because I’m your connection to this coalition, you represent me. That means I have a say in the way you represent me.”
I rolled my eyes. “You only wanted me for this position because you couldn’t get away with this shit with anyone else.”
“Shit?” His volume rose. “Purchasing thousands of dollars of clothes. Fuck, Ella, is that so terrible?”
Swallowing, I exhaled. “Not terrible. It’s too personal.” I pointed at the closet. “There is lingerie in there. I don’t sleep in lingerie.”
“I’m all right with naked.”
“No,” I said, “I’m not sharing a room with you on this trip. That is inappropriate.”
He smirked. “I haven’t personally seen what’s inside the suitcase. I did choose each outfit online myself, including the lingerie. You may have noticed a lack of panties.” He lifted his hands. “I’m sure you’ll claim that’s inappropriate, but I couldn’t resist.”
“I did notice,” I replied, “and I added my own.”
Damien swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “We will be staying at a hotel in Ashland. I’ve stayed there before. It’s not the New York Ritz, but it’s not bad. You do have your own room, Ms. Crystal.”
“Thank you.”
“Julia, Van’s wife, has invited everyone from the coalition for our quarterly meeting. Each CEO hosts a quarter. There is usually work talk and socializing. The Shermans are hosting a cocktail hour and dinner at their home on Saturday night. Since the members of the coalition won’t meet again for another three months, this was the perfect occasion to introduce you.”
“And you didn’t think I needed more than ten hours’ notice?”
He nodded. “Again, my oversight. I’ve been a bit preoccupied. Communication will be easier when you’re physically working from Sinclair.”
“I’m a phone call away.” The irritation I felt was coming through in my tone. “You wanted to be damn sure I answered my phone and then you went silent for forty-eight hours. I don’t know what to think.” I let my arms fall and my palms slap my thighs. “What is happening?”
“Mr. Sinclair. Ms. Crystal,” Angie called from the front cabin. “Please take your seats. Allen is ready to take off.”
Damien’s eyes narrowed as he lowered his voice. “Say ‘Yes, Damien, I’ll change my clothes.’”