Page 53 of Sinclair Duet
“Are you back in one?”
Placing my elbow on the table, I leaned forward, holding my head. “I don’t know what’s happening.”
“Is this when I need to remind you not to lose yourself?”
“Probably. You’re the only one I’ve told other than Duchess.”
Niles laughed. “That little molly doesn’t like anyone. I’m a cat guy, and she runs from me.”
“Damien was holding her last night. That little bitch was purring.”
Niles shook his head. “Damn, that’s a pretty strong recommendation. Next time I go to your place, I’m filling my pockets with catnip.”
Pulling out my phone to pay, I saw Damien’s name. I hit the text message icon.
“I hopeyou had a nice lunch. Call me.”
I typed out a message.
“The last timeI called you didn’t answer.”
My phone buzzed.
“I was busy.”
My core clenchedas I recalled the last time he told me he was busy—the intensity in his ocean-blue stare as we both came.
Another vibration.
“Call me.”
When I looked up,Niles was smiling. “I’ll let you know if you disappear, but right now, you’re glowing.”
Back at the office, I checked my emails and called Damien on my cellphone. Before it started ringing, Rosemary bounded into my office. She’d been with Beta Kappa Phi since graduating college two years ago, starting not long after I did.
“Have you heard?” she asked.
Disconnecting the call, I stood from my desk, met her halfway across the room, and wrapped her in a hug. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Oh my gosh. Millie said you’ll be gone after Friday.” Her expression saddened. “I don’t want you to leave.”
“I’m not. I’m simply moving to a different office.”
“And…” Rosemary bounced on her toes. “I’m taking over your old position.”
“I’m so glad you agreed. I know all our hard work will be in good hands.”
Rosemary reached for my hand. “I have so many questions and so much to learn. I seriously need every second of your time from now until Friday at five.”
“You don’t. You’ve been alongside me. You know what needs to be done. I have faith in you.”
“Yeah, Millie said the same thing.” She shook her head. “I’m talking intense one-on-one training.”
“I’ll be glad to do what I can, but I think you’ll fill the role perfectly, and you’ll have Niles at your side.”
“I need to start working on next year’s gala.” Her eyes opened wide. “You’ll still attend, won’t you? Oh, I can’t schmooze those old guys like you can.”