Page 172 of Sinclair Duet
“Then I won’t ask. I know what it’s like being put on the spot.”
Julia laughed. “Is that a Damien reference?”
“Oh, you know it.”
“I do know the pressure. Van can be very persuasive. Honestly, you’ll learn about Welsh’s reasoning soon enough.”
My curiosity was piqued. “I might say I won’t tell Damien, but I probably will.”
“That’s why I want to tell you. Dwain and Darius Sinclair are partnering with a new LLC, an offshoot of Moon Medical.”
“They’re working on the contracts, but it seems that through the coalition, Dwain realized how lucrative Body Kindness is. It’s a different market. There is less stringent testing and no patent BS. Make a statement about not claiming results somewhere in a lengthy insert and you’re covered for liability. The healthy mind and body craze is going strong. There isn’t the work like you’re doing to get prescriptions, just infomercials to get the word out. Their new products will be in competition with Perry, and therefore, he must leave our coalition.”
“Have you told the Cades?” I asked. The CEOs of Perry and Body Kindness.
“You have access to their revenue. They’ll be fine. They have a recognizable and reputable name with Body Kindness. I can’t imagine they’ll even notice the competition.”
“Thank you for letting me know. I’ll make the necessary changes in the campaign and send you a breakdown.”
“Even though this campaign was our husbands’ idea—oh, sorry, yourfiancé’s.”
I chuckled, looking down at my diamond ring.
Julia went on, “…I couldn’t be happier with the headway you’ve made in a short time.”
The door to my office opened and a handsome man with a dark-blue stare entered. There was a gleam in his eyes that told me he was up to something. “Speaking of that fiancé, he just entered my office. I better go.”
“It was nice to talk to you,” Julia said before disconnecting the call.
I hung up my desk phone and scanned the man who’d awakened me this morning with his face between my legs. It was admittedly a great way to wake. Damien was dapper in his suit pants, button-up shirt, and tie. “Why do you look like the cat who just ate the canary?” I asked.
“No canary. I had some great pussy this morning.”
Shaking my head, I stood and walked around my desk. “Inappropriate, Mr. Sinclair.”
“Who were you talking to?”
“Julia Sherman. There are about to be some changes with the coalition.”
He stood straighter. “Then I should know.”
Damien’s smile simmered as he scanned me up and down.
Without a word, my nipples grew painfully hard. “What are you thinking?” I asked.
“What I can do to make you talk.”
“I’m sure you’ll get it out of me soon enough. Now, the canary look?”
He showed me the paper in his hand. “Guess what this is?”
“Your dad’s get-out-of-rehab paper?”
“No, but that should be coming soon.” He handed me the letter.