Page 161 of Sinclair Duet
“I’m sure it was them.”
“You’re probably right.”
I pulled the SUV up to the curb near Ella’s place. Although I’d shrugged it off, I didn’t like hearing about her cameras. Looking up at the townhouse, everything appeared normal. “Maybe I should go in first.”
“Your cameras,” I reminded her.
“Don’t do that, Damien. Stop adding worry where it doesn’t exist. Don’t you think we have enough shit going on?”
I lifted my hands. “Okay, guilty as charged. And besides, Darius was busy this afternoon in IMPD booking.”
“You didn’t have him charged,” Ella said as she unlocked the front door.
“I did. We can drop the charges. I want him to know I’m serious.”
“Duchess,” Ella called as we entered the condo. “Will you go fill the automatic feeder while I go upstairs and pack?”
“Don’t be long,” I said, leaving a kiss on her lips. “Duchess,” I called, thinking how the cat was usually our greeting committee. Maybe I was no longer novel. “Ella,” I yelled as I entered the kitchen. “Ella, get down here.”
I ran toward the steps as she was coming down.
“What’s the matter?”
“The glass door to your deck is open.”
Her eyebrows knitted together. “No, I wouldn’t leave it open. Duchess. Oh my God. Duchess.”
“Is anything else out of place?” I asked.
“Did that company do this? Damien, we need to find Duchess.”
Did the security company leave a door open?
They better the fuck have not.
I pulled out my phone to call Anthony when Ella’s desperate calls refocused me. Find the cat. Then call the security company.
I searched Ella’s backyard. I suppose it could be called that. It was lush green grass and manicured bushes and flowerbeds all surrounded by a tall, stained fence. “Duchess.”
Looking up at the height of the fence, I felt minutely better. Duchess couldn’t jump over the privacy fence. I shone the light from my phone under the deck and called the cat’s name. From the open door, I could hear Ella’s voice grow more desperate.
Once inside, I closed the door and continued my search.
Under the sofa.
Behind the television stand.
Duchess was the only cat I knew. I had no idea where she would hide.
Finally, I began opening cabinets.
I turned to take in Ella’s tear-streaked face. Simply seeing it made my heart break. Her hands were empty. “We’ll find her,” I said.