Page 148 of Sinclair Duet
I was almost ready when the doorbell rang.
“This is my driver,” I said to Duchess. “Fancy.”
Opening the front door, I was met with a green stare, and not from the woman we’d interviewed. “Amber. Why are you here?”
“You’re sleeping with my husband. I think we need to talk.”
Still holding the door, I didn’t budge. “Your marriage isn’t legal. You know that.”
She scanned the solid door. “Don’t you see. You can help Damien get the permanent CEO position by accepting that he’s married.”
Before I could respond, another car pulled to the curb and a woman in a simple black suit emerged from the driver’s seat.
“If you’ll excuse me,” I said to Amber, “my car is here.”
“What do you think the board will say when they learn about Damien’s and my marriage? They’ll know you’re with a married man.”
I pressed my lips together. “Will that be before or after they’re told about your marriage to Darius, when you knew you were already married?”
“Mrs. Sinclair,” Deidra said from the sidewalk.
“Yes,” Amber and I said in unison.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes, Ms. Wilmott was just leaving.” I reached inside for my bags before closing and locking the front door.
As I was walking to the car, Amber said, “I’m not giving up.”
Hitting the button on the steering wheel, I listened to Ella’s text message.
“Following your orders,I’m texting my whereabouts. I’m with Deidra. On our way to Beta Kappa Phi. Oh, and after you left, I had a visitor. Your wife.”
My knuckles blanchedas I tightened the grip of the steering wheel. “Call Ella,” I said aloud.
“Good morning,” Ella said as she answered.
“I wish we were back in bed saying the same thing.”
“Yes, Deidra is here. We’re almost to the fraternity.”
Hearing her voice made me smile. “Is that your way of telling me to watch what I say.”
“I mean, you’re not on speaker, but your voice carries.”
“What did Amber want?”
Ella hummed. “She wanted to talk about our similar taste in men. Fortunately, Deidra arrived and cut our conversation short.”
“Don’t fight the bodyguards. She’s already come in handy.”
“I’m not fighting. I’ll call after my meeting.”
“Yes,” she replied.