Page 119 of Sinclair Duet
I waited until the door was closed before turning to my husband. “Seriously, you could have said something earlier. I would have spent my time on the plane going over my notes from this past weekend.”
“I didn’t think of it until just now.”
“You are impossible to work for. This is why I thought being the campaign manager on this project was a bad idea.”
Instead of responding, Damien’s smile grew.
“What are you so smug about?” I asked.
His answer didn’t come in words as he reached for the back of my neck. Pulling me toward him, his lips took mine. Possessive and strong, he continued his advance. Our faces turned as we gasped for air. It was as the car began to move that I pushed against his hard chest. “That wasn’t an answer,” I managed to say, my lips still tingling from our encounter.
“It was.”
“A kiss is inappropriate during discussions of work.”
He shook his head and lowered his voice. “Nothing is inappropriate, Mrs. Sinclair. You’re now officially mine. I reserve the right to kiss you anytime I want.” His hand came to my knee and slid beneath the skirt of the sundress.
Using both hands, I stopped his progress. “Damien.”
His smile quirked. “What are you thinking about?”
“You,” I said in exasperation. “How could I be thinking of anything else?”
“Name the companies in the coalition.”
I shook my head. “What is this, a quiz?”
“Name the companies.”
Fine. I rattled off the list, “Sinclair, Wade, Broche, Moon, Perry, Holston, and McCree.”
“What is the goal of the campaign?”
“To increase awareness of said companies among medical facilities in exchange for the coalition’s support of Beta Kappa Phi.”
Damien sat back with a sigh. “Ella, you’re naturally amazing. I hadn’t thought about you addressing the executive board before, but even if I didn’t mention it until the meeting, you could still pull a presentation out of your sexy ass.”
Turning toward the windows, I reflected on what he’d just done. Admittedly, I felt better about the board meeting than I had a few minutes ago. I turned back. “Speaking of asses, you can be a real pain in it sometimes.”
“Be careful, Mrs. Sinclair. I’m once again imagining my handprint on yours.”
I shouldn’t let his sex-laden comments get to me. I shouldn’t be as easily distracted by the twinkle in his navy orbs, the possessiveness of his kiss, or the thoughts of the pleasure from the sting of his hand.
A sane woman would put a stop to his ways.
It was official: my sanity disappeared the moment I announced our engagement.
Our driver continued his silence as he navigated traffic, taking the familiar intrastate toward Carmel.
“Where are we going?” I asked, knowing I wanted to go to my house.
“First stop is our place.”
I scoffed. “Not narrowing it down.”
“My place. It’s pretty much as you remember it. I’m going to pack a few days’ worth of clothes and grab a few things from my office.” He lowered his volume. “And then the next stop is our place, formerly yours, where I’ll get to see my two favorite pussies.”
Shaking my head, I grinned. “Duchess will be happy to see you.”