Page 9 of A Raging Merry Christmas
“I’m trying to find you, hold your panties,” I replied.
Muffled curses met me as I finally spotted a part of the tree moving vigorously, and I moved branches and discovered Savage. Luckily, the heaviest part of the tree hadn’t fallen on him, and I got him out relatively unhurt.
Savage dived for Wild, who was happily smirking at him, and Wild went down as Savage landed on top and stuffed snow in his face. I watched as Savage completely covered Wild and kicked his ribs as he got up. I held my hands up.
“Chill out, or I go home, and you drag this fucker back yourself,” I threatened.
Savage scowled but refrained from using me as a punchbag.
Wild sat up, and I laughed. He looked like the abominable snowman. Wild scooped some snow up and threw it at me, and I easily dodged it.
“Stop playing around. We still have to get two more,” I remarked.
“At the entrance, they had some trees in nets. Let’s cheat and buy pre-wrapped,” Wild suggested, and both Savage and I nodded.
“What size?” I huffed as the three of us dragged the heavy-assed tree onto the sleigh a bit better. Luckily, while attempting to take out Savage, it had landed mainly on the sleigh. I was surprised at how much the damn thing weighed, but once we had it on board and secured, the sleigh moved pretty easily.
When we’d arrived at the tree lot, there hadn’t been a lot of people, but the car park we could see was now full. We passed groups of individuals as we dragged our burden towards the hut where the staff waited.
I was a hot, sweaty, and tired mess by the time we arrived. I was going with Wild’s cheating idea and buying pre-cut for the rest of the trees. A man stood gazing at us from the hut as we approached.
“Rage MC, right?”
“Yes?” Savage replied as we all stiffened.
“Was there something wrong with the trees I’d put aside?” he questioned. His name badge said Clint.
“What?” I asked, mystified. No one had mentioned other trees.
“These are for Reading Hall?” Clint inquired, and Savage nodded.
“Yeah. Our Prez sent us to get trees for it,” Savage answered.
“What was wrong with the trees I’d already cut for you?” Clint wondered.
“What damn trees?” I demanded, glaring at Wild.
“The ones we put aside when Mrs Michaelson ordered them earlier this year, as she always does. The order’s behind the lot, waiting for approval,” Clint responded.
“Phoe bought them, and you’ve had them packed up and ready, waiting for us to collect them?” Savage asked as my glower deepened at Wild.
Wild was staring back just as grumpily.
“Yes,” Clint responded, looking confused.
“So we didn’t need to cut this one?” Savage continued.
“No. As long as you approve the ones we chose for Reading Hall,” Clint confirmed.
“I’m gonna kill a brother,” Savage muttered, and I agreed one hundred per cent.
“Miserable asshole. ‘Don’t talk to me, it’s too early in the morning. Do not talk to the staff because I’m grumpy, and my caffeine hasn’t kicked in. Let’s just get this finished, I’m over this crap already. No, we don’t need anyone’s help’,” I snarled at Wild, quoting his words this morning. “Does any of that sound familiar?”
“This is Drake’s fault!” Wild retorted.
I sent Wild a dirty stare and ignored him. “Do you deliver?”
“Yes, everything is ready. All you need to do is confirm they’re okay, pay, and we’ll load up the truck.”