Page 35 of A Raging Merry Christmas
My brothers began appearing as the old ladies covered the younger children. Carly kept running towards me, screaming my name, and I spotted Drake yanking the shotgun away from Eddie. Who clearly had held onto the trigger as it boomed a third time, and everyone inside the entrance hall ducked.
“He is going to eat Aunt Carly!” Amelia yelled. “Get him! He’s a Big Foot! Daddy! You gotta save Aunt Carly!”
Carly threw herself into my arms, and I barely caught her as she patted me down and cupped my face before sobbing.
“You’re alive!”
“I think so,” I replied as Carly began climbing me and wrapping herself around me.
There was chaos coming from the Hall, and I heard a bellow.
“Charge!” Eddie yelled. “Save Aunt Carly!”
Oh God, what now?
I turned to place Carly safely behind me when the first kid hit me hard. I stumbled and had just caught my balance when the second and third girl landed. They tackled my legs and took my knees out. Another child barrelled into me, and my legs gave out. Two more jumped on my back, and one shoved me face-first into the snow.
“Run, Aunt Carly, we’ll save you!” Eddie yelled shrilly in my ear.
I yelped in pain. That kid needed her vocal cords yanking out.
I tried throwing one of the children off my leg, but the little fucker bit me hard.
“He tastes like jeans,” I swear Aria exclaimed.
“Big Foot wears jeans?” Alyssa asked.
Someone smacked my head into the snow several times as they wound their hands into my hair.
“No, he’s hairy! Look!” Bonnie cried as she yanked my head up by my hair. I howled in pain.
“Get off him,” Carly ordered, and it sounded like she was laughing.
“Aunt Carly, run. We got this,” Eddie said and rapped me on my head.
“Here, hit him with this rock!” Davy suggested, and I bucked upwards. I could hear people approaching, and Carly began pulling the girls off me.
“That’s Uncle Rock!” she kept saying.
“If that’s Uncle Rock, why didn’t he identify himself?” Eddie retorted.
“Probably because you shot at him!” Carly responded sharply.
“He looked like a Yeti,” Eddie snapped.
“Big Foot!” Bonnie corrected.
I flipped onto my back and gazed up at Carly’s concerned face.
“Did she hit you?” she murmured, cupping my cheeks.
“No. I think I’m alive, but I can’t feel shit from the snow,” I replied. Hands reached down, and I was patted down by Drake and then Klutz. Both heaved sighs of relief.
“What were you thinking? How the hell did you get into the gun cupboard, and how dare you shoot a weapon near the children?” Drake roared at Eddie.
Shockingly, the damn child rolled her eyes.
“Please. I’ve known the combination since I was five. And I didn’t fire a shotgun around the kids,” she retorted.