Page 33 of A Raging Merry Christmas
It wasn’t worth upsetting the woman who was in charge of my stomach’s demands. In pure revenge, Mrs Ames might make salads or some other horrific food, like liver and bacon with mash. What the fuck were the English thinking of when they decided that was a meal?
I looked up as Hellions raced towards us, and I grinned. This would be fun.
The kids surrounded the reindeer in sheer happiness, all cooing and asking Rudy questions.
Everything was perfect until the feisty one, named Blitzen, spotted Vivie and began stalking her.
“He likes her.” Rudy chuckled.
I thought Vivie felt a bit different as the reindeer made dopey eyes at her.
Vivie eyed it with a great deal of wariness.
A split second, that’s all it took. I turned my back to hoist Halona and Blue up, and there was a scream. I spun around and saw Blitzen had jumped the fence. Rudy leapt after it as the reindeer stalked towards Vivie.
“Don’t run,” Rudy warned.
Vivie sent him a dubious look.
“Seriously, Blitzen will give chase. He’s fallen in love with you,” Rudy said, and the reindeer strode closer to Vivie.
Vivie didn’t hesitate. She dragged the closest person in front of her, Mina, who squealed and then took to her heels. Blitzen snorted and ran.
Vivie made it up the steps to the porch in record time as the animal paced them, trying to figure them out.
“Yeah! Let’s get him!” Eddie yelled, and I cringed as every child shot off screaming. I hoped Rudy could outrun them, or Blitzen was about to be the most wanted reindeer in North America.
“Great! Escaping reindeer. What’s your encore?” Phoe demanded.
I winced.
That had been fun. We finally wore Blitzen down, and he was back in the pen. He was going to behave from now on in, I’dgiven him a stern talking to. Blitzen had listened and agreed to be good because he didn’t want to frighten the younger children.
I turned around and spotted Dante, the paint on his face still glowing. Serves him right. I might be four years older than Aria, but she was my girl. Dante was a brat.
Dante may be seven to my twelve, but he always pushed the boundaries, as Mama Phoe was fond of saying. Not that I didn’t, too, but I was a kid. That was expected.
Now, we were heading out to build snowmen. Snowmen were good fun. We could also have a snowball fight and pummel the Legacies. They liked to think they were big and bad, but they’d nothing on me. I was like a movie character, the super supreme baddie. I had my side kicks and my girl gang, and I owned the world. There was no stopping me.
As I wrapped a scarf around my neck, I checked out of my bedroom window. The snow was coming down heavily, and it would be great.
I bounced down the stairs and saw movement from the morning room. We weren’t really allowed in there, but I spotted Davy and headed towards her.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“I think we’ve seen a yeti or big foot,” Davy hissed.
Bonnie, Alyssa, and Aria all stood beside her, peering through the window and nodding.
“What? They don’t exist!” I exclaimed.
“No? Then get your skinny ass here,” Davy snapped, and I laughed. Her attitude was coming along perfectly.
I crept up and peered through, praying Mama Phoe didn’t catch me here. This was her special room for guests.
“Look!” Daisy squealed, and Amelia pointed out the window.