Page 14 of A Raging Merry Christmas
“Idiot,” Hunter muttered. “Half of the shit will be sold out or be double the price.”
“Yeah, you’re paying the extra,” Jett stated, but Blaze shrugged. He really didn’t care.
We found ten of the missing toys on our second sweep. But it left us with a good thirty that we couldn’t get. Those sneaky mamas were even worse at the tills. We had to have Hunter and Blaze packing the toys into the carts while Jett and I guarded the ones that hadn’t been scanned.
I’d sell my soul to the devil not to have to do this again as I slapped some thieving fucker’s hands away. Christ, we needed eyes in the back of our head. A howl came from behind me, and I saw Blaze dart past me and tackle some woman to the ground.
My jaw dropped open as he wrestled a doll from her.
“You stole that from my cart!” Blaze yelled as staff stood around and gaped. Blaze got to his feet and handed the cashier the doll.
“Call for backup,” Hunter said as women began eyeing us as a group. If they attacked as a clique, we would be fucked. I’d never hurt a woman, but at the same time, I wasn’t letting our spoils be stolen. We’d fought for them fair and square. Well, maybe a few dirty tricks had been thrown in.
“Should have done that an hour ago,” Jett muttered as he watched over two full carts.
I shoved the items inside them onto the belt as quickly as possible for the cashier to get them through. Blaze now guarded the two full ones at the other end that had been scanned. Someone yanked on my head, and I howled and dropped the action figure I’d been holding. A pair of hands shot forward to grab it, and Jett elbowed the guy out of the way and snatched it back.
I was a hot, sweaty, irritable mess by the time we paid and dragged our carts out to the waiting trucks. After locking the toys in the trunks, we headed to Rage and drove into the compound. After all we’d gone through to find the items, we weren’t going to risk them being stolen. I swore to God that I recognised the woman following us as one who’d tried to steal the doll from Blaze. She sped off when we turned into Rage. Jesus, these mothers were fuckin’ insane.
We all jumped in Blaze’s pickup and began searching the internet for the missing toys.
“Jesus, this is just as bad as the store. I add a couple of things to the list and go to pay, and half of it is gone!” Blaze bitched.
We all glared at him because we were having the same issue. If the fucker had listened to us three weeks ago, we wouldn’t be in this predicament.
Jett’s phone rang, and he blanched.
“Hello, babe,” he said, answering.
“Hey, my gorgeous hunk. How’s the toy shopping going?” Sin questioned cheerfully.
We all joined in with Jett’s wince this time.
“We’re missing a few, but we’ve got most!” Jett announced, trying to be upbeat.
Sin was gloating when she next spoke. “Don’t think you can miss one or two, babe. The Hellions have asked for those toys,and Santa will provide them. Or Santa might just find himself cut off and in the doghouse. I do not care if you have to fly to another country, Blaze, you find them. And I know this is your fault, which is why I’m blaming you! Mr Oh So Cocky when we warned you to shop early. You’re the one who stopped the others shopping early! Payback’s a bitch, and the old ladies are the biggest bitches walking this earth!”
We all winced as Sin slammed the phone down.
“Fuck,” Jett hissed.
“Good news is Phoe has a private plane,” I said and laughed as they sent me dirty looks. “I ain’t got an old lady to bust my balls!”
“Just you wait, motherfucker,” Hunter growled out, and I chuckled again.
We all jumped back on our phones, and finally, there were twelve left we needed to find. We began scouring the net.
“I got Eddie’s!” I exclaimed, hit the shop selling it, and quickly bought it. It was in a store in Wyoming, but it was open till late, and I’d paid for collection. I dialled Harley.
“Get on your bike, you’re heading to Gillette in Wyoming and collecting a fuckin’ parcel for Eddie. I used my name, so stop by and collect my card. I’ll forward the email to yours,” I ordered the prospect.
Harley left his shop and jogged towards his wheels. He did not look happy as I passed him my card, and I smirked. I’d done shit like that as a prospect. It was part of the role.
Harley huffed but didn’t argue. He couldn’t as a prospect, and I didn’t care. Eddie would have sought revenge on those of us who’d forgotten her Santa present. It didn’t matter that Eddie did not believe in Santa anymore. She still wanted it.
“There’s a shop in Sioux Falls; I’ve reserved two of our missing items. We have to pick up by ten when the store shuts, or they go back on sale,” Blaze informed us.
“I will go. Can I carry them by bike?” Hunter asked.