Page 12 of A Raging Merry Christmas
“Not dragging that fucker back outside. Not a chance in hell. Get the saw, and we’ll cut it here,” Savage snapped.
“Didn’t anyone measure it?” Serenity asked innocently, and we glared at her as she began to giggle.
“Shut up, kid,” Savage answered.
“I’m getting the saw,” I said and stomped off to the truck.
Phoe squealed as we cut the tree down to size and there was a lot of cursing involved, but luckily, we did not damage the wooden floor. We then proceeded to wrestle the fucking thing into its stand.
“That’s a beautiful tree,” Serenity exclaimed as we wiped our brows and gazed at it.
“Good, because we’re not getting another,” Wild muttered.
I was in complete agreement with him.
“What do we do first?” Savage asked, looking at the boxes stacked neatly.
“Lights,” Serenity replied, biting her lip.
“Are you sure? Because I’m not fuckin’ around with this,” I stated.
“Lights first,” Serenity responded firmly.
Another hour later, we were all cursing once more. It had sounded easy enough, put the end of the lights at the top and then slowly wind them down. Except, we needed several sets, and they did not go on evenly. Serenity ended up re-doing them to make them spaced. She placed the tinsel and ordered us to go nuts hanging the baubles.
We filled the tree, and to be honest, it did not look too bad. Not quite as professional as usual, but not shabby either.
It was gone six when we had finished doing the four trees. One went in the drawing room, the tree we’d cut. Clint had delivered the others for the ballroom and entrance hall. The third Phoe made us put in the library.
Ghost, Mac, Fish, Ezra, and Lowrider had spent all day running back and forth to Rivendell, the Ewok village, and the bedrooms. Tomorrow everyone was descending for a buffet meal and to decorate the tree in their cabin or bedroom.
Serenity told us that when Phoe had moved in, she’d had a bedroom dedicated to Christmas and Halloween decorations. Now, they had their own large sheds, as she had so many decorations. Savage, Wild, and I got off relatively scot-free because we didn’t have to run back and forth. Playful insults were exchanged, but overall, it wasn’t as terrible as it might have been.
Not until we plugged in the lights…
And blew every fuse in Reading Hall.
“Fuck Christmas,” Wild snarled into the darkness as the kids screamed at the top of their voices.
Yup, screw Christmas indeed.
Chapter Three –
Buy the toys…
Jett, Hunter, Slate, and Blaze (Slate’s POV).
“You’re fuckin’ kidding me? Are we really meant to buy every toy on here?” Hunter demanded, looking at the several page list.
“Yup, and if those kids don’t get that exact thing for Christmas, there’ll be hell to pay,” Jett replied, wincing.
“Well, this shouldn’t take too long,” Blaze said as he grabbed a cart.
The rest of us followed suit. Judging by the number of toys, we’d need more than four carts. I eyed my brothers. I actually liked shopping. There were lots of things to press, and they made noises. There were often cool toys to be found.
But today, I stared at the large toy store with trepidation. The car park was jam-packed, and the shop seemed horrendously busy.
“Remember weeks ago, we were warned to buy well in advance?” I muttered.