Page 63 of I Am Sin
He must, or why would he say it?
I’m not looking for love. But I’m not looking for hell, either.
I don’t think heishell.
But what I crave now is a little bit of his darkness.
If I have to go to hell to get it?
I’m ready to go.
Like I said, sunlight can be overrated.
You get too much of that? You crave a little darkness.
Dragon has darkness in abundance.
What if this isn’t me?
What if my craving for a little bit of his darkness sends me into a spiral I don’t want?
Diana’s a good girl.
Diana always does the right thing.
Diana would never follow a rock star to Europe like her baby sister did.
Of course, Brianna ended up getting her heart’s desire after taking the risk and leaping without a net.
But Dragon isn’t my heart’s desire.
I don’t know what that is.
All I know is this moment.
And in this moment? I want Dragon Locke more than I’ve ever wanted any man in my lifetime.
“Well?” he asks, his voice low.
“Give me a minute.”
“How many minutes do you need? Because I learned a long time ago to live for the day. For the minute. The goddamned second.” He places his hand around my waist and draws my body against his. “Because your life can be over in an instant.”
I part my lips, stop my jaw from dropping.
He’s an addict, yes. He’s had a rough night, getting arrested for something he claims he didn’t do.
He’s not talking about either of those things.
No. He’s talking about something else entirely.
Something inside him—something that gives him his darkness.
I clear my throat, will my voice not to stammer. “I don’t believe that you’re hell. That you’re sin.”
The gold flecks in his eyes are almost glowing, perhaps with the fire and brimstone within him.
“Then you’d be wrong.”