Page 56 of I Am Sin
“Fine. I’ll come get you.”
“When?” he asks.
Seriously? I’m offering to come get him in the middle of the night when he’s been arrested, and he asks when?
“Soon as I can get there. Christ.”
“Okay. See you later.”
I end the call and turn to Antonio. “I guess I’m going to go bail my roommate out of jail.”
Antonio widens his eyes. “I’ll take you.”
“You don’t have to. I’ll call an Uber, go over there, and Uber back home.”
“Don’t you have a car?”
“I do, but I don’t mess with parking in the city. Especially at this hour. Street parking will be impossible by the police station. Rideshare is usually easier.”
“I’ll come with you.”
“This is hardly your problem.”
“I’m not sure it’s yours either, Diana.”
He’s right about that, but the thought of Dragon sitting in a smelly holding cell with a bunch of vagrants makes me sick to my stomach.
Do I believe his story?
I do, actually. I don’t think he would solicit a prostitute. At least not on purpose.
I grab my phone and pull up the ridesharing app. Saturday night downtown, there are lots of rides available, so I get one quickly.
“He’s a minute away,” I say.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
I open my mouth to say no, but then I think better. Why not have someone come with me? It’s late at night.
I’ll get Dragon out.
And then he’s going to have to find another place to live.
Funny thing about me.
Even after all the fuckups I’ve made in my life, I’ve never been arrested before.
I’ve come close, for sure. God knows, when I was still drinking and on drugs, I drove way more often than I should have.
But I never got caught, never hurt anyone in the process.
Because I don’t hurt people. Well, not anymore.
I never hurt Griffin.