Page 53 of I Am Sin
And a cop.
Two cops.
Within seconds, my face is pushed into a brick wall. “You’re under arrest for solicitation,” one cop says.
“What? You’ve got to be kidding me. I was trying to help the woman.”
“We saw money exchange hands.”
“Just ask her. I told her it wasn’t for?—”
“Did you get her?” the cop holding me asks the other one.
“She darted into a shadow. Sorry. I lost her.”
“Fuck it all,” I grit out.
So the little hooker’s gone, and she can’t validate my story.
“You have the right to remain silent,” the first cop says. “Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights?”
“I didn’t fucking do anything. I was trying tohelpher.”
He nudges me into the wall. “Answer me. You understand your rights?”
“Yes,” I say through clenched teeth. “Now what?”
“Now, we take you to the station. We fingerprint you. And we stick you in a holding cell until someone comes to bail you out. If no one comes, you’ll be arraigned on Monday.”
Monday? I’m not sitting in a jail cell until Monday. “I want my phone call.”
“I’m not sure you’re in any position to be making demands.”
Fuck. Just what I need. In the shitstorm that has been my life, one thing I’ve avoided is the inside of a jail cell.
Until now, apparently.
Antonio is the perfect gentleman walking to my place. He doesn’t so much as try to hold my hand.
Which is actually fine with me.
Once I let us in, I look around. “Looks like my roommate’s not home yet.”
“The drummer?”
“Yeah, but let me just check.” I walk through the foyer and down the hallway to Dragon’s room. His door is closed. I knock softly. “Dragon?”
No reply. I knock a little louder.
Then I crack the door.
It’s not locked, which means he’s probably not home yet.
Just to be sure, I look inside and flip the light switch.