Page 30 of I Am Sin
“He just moved in today, Bree.” I glance toward the door to Dragon’s room. It’s closed, probably locked. “But it’s fine. Once I start work, I’m not going to be here for more than sleeping, so we certainly won’t get in each other’s way.”
“Thanks for doing this,” she says again. “It means so much to Jesse and to me.”
“You don’t have to keep thanking me. I’m glad to do it.” Maybe notgladexactly, but it’s not imposing on my life that much. “What are you guys up to?”
“A lot of lying on the beach… A lot of sex…”
My little sister is having way more sex than I am, but oh well.
“How are you liking Jamaica?”
“Oh my God, loving it. The food is to die for, the beaches are gorgeous and serene, and the people… So friendly.”
“I was surprised you and Jesse didn’t decide to go back to Europe after you didn’t get to finish the tour with them.”
“We’ll go to Europe eventually. But Jesse just spent several months there, and he totally needed a relaxing honeymoon. And Jamaica issorelaxing. Even the activities we’ve done—hiking up Dunn’s River Falls and horseback riding on the beach—it’s all been sublime.”
I scowl at the thought of hiking on a vacation. “Ahikewas sublime?”
“Absolutely. You actually hikeupthe waterfall, but remember we’re at sea level, Dee. Compared to living at elevation in Colorado, there’s so much more oxygen in the air here, not to mention the oxygen pouring off from the water molecules… It’s invigorating. An amazing experience.”
“Sounds awesome. Maybe I’ll get to Jamaica myself sometime soon.”
“You totally should. That’s where your next vacation should be.”
I laugh out loud. “I’m not going to have a vacation for a while, Bree. This new job is going to keep me on my toes. I have to prove my worth if I want to get on that mountaintop project.”
“You will. You’re the best they’ve got.”
I smile into the phone. My little sister and I have always gotten along pretty well. We’re four years apart and different as night and day. At her age, she can keep her svelte body without even thinking about dieting. Now that I’m inching toward my late twenties, the same can’t be said about me.
Of course, Brianna also runs ten miles a day and works a lot of calories off outside in our family’s orchards. She’s a cowgirl all the way, whereas I’m more comfortable in an urban setting, despite how I grew up.
“I’ll let you go,” Brianna says. “Thanks again, and don’t hesitate to call if you need anything.”
I chuckle. “You’re kidding, right? You really want to give me carte blanche to call you while you’re on your honeymoon?”
She giggles into the phone. “You know what I mean. If you need anything or have questions about Dragon or whatever. Jesse’s the guy to ask. He knows Dragon better than anyone.”
I look back at Dragon’s door and frown. “I get the feeling that no onereallyknows Dragon.”
“You may be right,” she says. “Jesse has kind of alluded to that, though he’s pretty sure he knows Dragon better than anyone else does. Besides Dragon…maybe.”
“Jesse and his therapist at rehab, I guess,” I say. “Have a great time, Bree. Soak up that sun and as much relaxation as you can. I’m a bit envious.”
“Are you kidding? You’re going to love this new job, Dee. You’ve always been happier when you’re working.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“Nope, I’m not. Keep Jesse and me posted, okay?”
“I will.”
“Bye.” I end the call.
Then I punch in Teddy’s number. It’s still early, so even if she does have plans, she may still be home.