Page 48 of Dear John
He scratched the back of his head, chuckling lightly. “I’m confused. It’s like you don’t want to admit you know me.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Whew,” he breathed out.
“I’m flat out saying I don’t fucking know you. And I’ve never had a conversation with you about flying cats.”
Fox pulled out his phone, looking through it, and then our voices filled the air. I cringed as I said exactly what he’d just told them. He was nodding along, laughing when he got to the part about how awesome flying cats really were. Then he cut it off right after I told him I would never ride a flying cat.
“Well, clearly, he’s insane,” I said to Cap. “And this should in no way reflect my employment status.”
“It does,” Fox grinned. “Because he’s coming home with me. I really don’t know what you were thinking, walking out on all of us like that. It was just a disagreement.”
“Any chance Knight is here?” I asked Cap. “I’m sure that would take some of the heat off me.”
“Ooh, I’d love to see my brother,” Fox nodded excitedly. “Not that I didn’t come here for you. I totally did. We’re like this,” he said, crossing his fingers. “But Kamau and I are like this,” he said, holding up the other hand and crossing two fingers. “It’s really the same. Except one’s better.”
Silence filled the air and I turned back to Cap. “So, any chance you still want that interview?”
“Work your shit out,”I huffed, dragging Fox away from the building by his ear. “Work your shit out!”
“Ow, I heard it! You’re not going to make me hear it better by trying to pull my ear off!” Fox shouted.
“I can’t fucking believe you did that!”
“I can’t believe they wouldn’t let me see The Kamau first! We’re family!”
“I was trying to get a fucking job!” I shouted. “You just ruined that for me!”
“Ruined?” he scoffed. “That one guy had a knife in his leg.”
I stopped and spun on him. “Because you put it there!”
“Well, clearly, he couldn’t move fast enough. Do you really want someone like that on your team?”
“Only if he shot you,” I snarled. “What the fuck am I supposed to do now?”
I finally released him, taking a large step away before I decided to really do some damage. Rubbing his ear, he didn’t even bother to look guilty.
“You go back to OPS and?—”
“That’s not a fucking option. Unless Cash miraculously decides to become a decent person again, my time there is over. I can’t afford to just skip through life and pretend everything’s fine.”
He frowned, thinking it over. “You know, back when things sucked for me, I stalked Anna.”
“I’m already living with Isla. It would be pretty fucking stupid to stalk her.”
“Huh…well, you could always stalk her for fun,” he grinned.
Shaking my head, I paced away from him, trying to figure out my next step. “I was supposed to get a fucking job out here. I was going to move Isla and everything was going to be fine. I can’t just sit around her house all day and watch life move on.”
“You could work on the down low,” Fox suggested. “Like, be a secret agent. Ooh, and you’ll need a sidekick! I’m a great fucking sidekick!”
“You still work for the company,” I hissed.
“Right, that could be a problem. But I think it could work. We’ll get FNG involved too. He’d be all over this.”
Like I would trust FNG. That man was just as insane as Fox. “Isn’t he a little busy with his umbrella business?”